Blog from April, 2019

Vol. 4

Inside This Issue

What’s new…

In the last week, more than 25 artifacts are uploaded or newly created by eGov teams in their respective eSankalan spaces. Here are the team spaces to browse :

Want to restrict pages to custom view or edit? Click … on the top-right corner of any eSankalan page and select Restrictions. Now you can view the level of permissions such as everyone can view or edit, everyone can view and some can edit or somebody can view or edit. You can apply restriction as per your requirement.

Recent Contributors…

Tips & Tricks


Auto-formatting is a gift that is hand-picked for all the wiki markup pros out therein eSankalan. Auto-formatting converts the wiki markup you type into the editor to rich text, on the fly. Formatted texts, lists, tables – it all works. There’s also support for macros, links, and images. So, go ahead and use your favorite markup to insert a macro and watch as eSankalan instantly converts it to rich text. Click the image to view…

Get Organized with Labels

The volume and velocity of content getting added to eSankalan are zooming at high speed.

Let us start getting used to some simple conventions that can make eSankalan a refreshing experience. Adding labels to your content is an easy way, to organize and manage content much efficiently.

Any user with permission to edit a page can add labels to it. Existing labels appear at the bottom-right of the page, below the page content.

To add a label to a page:

While viewing a page or blog, choose the edit icon beside the list of labels.

You can also do this while creating or editing a page, by choosing the label icon at the top of the page.

Type a new label (existing labels are suggested as you type), then click Add.

Search by Label

You can use the labelText: prefix to search for content that has a specific label.

For example, if you're looking for pages with the label ‘GCCLicences’, type ‘labelText: GCCLicences’ into the search field.

Use macros to categorize or display labels:

To make optimal use of ‘Labels’, you can use the Content by Label macro to display different combinations of pages:

For example, if you're working on a project across multiple teams, you can label everything to do with the project with that project name, and use a label to display all that content in one space.

In coming editions of eSankalan, you’ll see more of such best practices. Let's start putting them to practice.

Vol. 3

Inside This Issue

What’s new…

In the last two weeks, more than 30 artifacts are uploaded or newly created by eGov teams in their respective eSankalan spaces. Here are the team spaces to browse :

Want to view previous versions of a document or want to restore to an older version? Click … on the top-right corner of any eSankalan page and select Page History. Now you can view the list of all the previous versions of the document with date and version numbers. You can click on the version number to view the document and restore.

Statistics as on date

  • User count: 59

  • Total number of invitations sent: 67

  • Total users on-boarded: 59

Recent Contributors…


Product Implementation


Prashant Aswal/Rupam


Implementation Kit - Punjab

Tips & Tricks

Create Issue

It’s easy to link content created in eSankalan to actionable issues without having to leave the page editor. You can insert JIRA issues, link back to existing issues and track the same within the eSankalan page. Click the image to view…

Vol. 2

Inside This Issue

What’s new…

In the last one week, more than 25 artifacts are uploaded or newly created by eGov teams in their respective eSankalan spaces. Here are the team spaces to browse :

Found a useful page to add to your latest document? Click … on the top-right corner of any eSankalan page and select Export to Word/ Export to PDF. Now you can add the information to the document of your choice.

While creating content in eSankalan, you can import an MS Word document as input to the page. Once imported, the content of the Word document populates the eSankalan page.

Statistics as on date

  • User count: 54

  • Total number of invitations sent: 62

  • Total users on-boarded: 54

Tips & Tricks

Page Layout

Do you want your eSankalan page to have columns? A header or a footer? Easily said is easily done with eSankalan page layouts. Layouts are easy to apply and even easier to change. Just switch layouts while editing and your content will adjust on the fly.

How to use page layouts - Simply by selecting a predefined template or blank page and adding or modifying any section or components. Click the image to view…

Vol. 1

Inside This Issue

In a nutshell…

eSankalan is eGov Foundation’s knowledge repository.

All of us will collaborate to create, collect and curate knowledge assets. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that we have all the artifacts here to effectively work together.

Hosted on Confluence on the cloud, your eGovernments user ID and password gives you access to eSankalan anywhere, using either a desktop or mobile, at any time.

What’s new…

It's a new beginning for collaboration at eGov.

Each team can have its own space to use, monitor and administer. Currently, team spaces in use are for:

  • Product Management

  • Product Engineering

  • Product Implementation

  • Product Documentation

  • DevOps

The space administrator decides who has access to space or even a page or artifact within the space. The administrator also decides which pages and artifacts should be made accessible and discoverable to all users in the organization.

Confluence has a few inbuilt templates and allows you to create global or space-level templates for all pages and artifact types, for example; minutes of meetings, product requirement documents, etc.

Statistics as on date

  • User count: 49

  • Total number of invitations sent: 60

  • Total users on-boarded: 49

Recent Contributors…







Product Management




Daily Standup


Anusha/Prashant Tak


Product- Fire NoC

Product - Trade License


Product Engineering




Encryption Service

Tips & Tricks

@mentions - you use these in FaceBook, Twitter and Slack so try them in eSankalan. @mentions are a great way to get anyone’s attention on relevant content without having to use email.

How to @mention someone - simply type @ in eSankalan and you will be prompted with names of other eSankalan users. Type their name and save the page. A notification will be sent automatically to mentioned users, pulling them to the page, blog or comment. Easy, isn’t it?

Natural question - why @mention and why not just email?

Short answer: It’s much faster to mention anyone in eSankalan than it is to email them.

Long answer: Valuable conversations are lost in email inboxes, never to be found again. Worst of all, no one benefits from the great ideas that come out of those conversations.