Versions Compared


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Code Block
cd ~/Downloads
# Download Helm3 Beta3

# verify checksum
shasum -a 256 -c <<< "88ef4da17524d427b4725f528036bb91aaed1e3a5c4952427163c3d881e24d77 *helm-v3.0.0-beta.3-darwin-amd64.tar.gz"

# extract into ~/Downloads/helm3
mkdir helm3
tar -xzf helm-v3.0.0-beta.3-darwin-amd64.tar.gz --directory helm3

# create a symlink
ln -s ~/Downloads/helm3/darwin-amd64/helm /usr/bin/helm3

Verify Helm 3 installation

Because Tiller is gone, all you have to verify is the local installation using:

Code Block
helm3 version


Create a Chart and deploy it to Kubernetes

First let’s use the create sub command to create a new Application Chart.


Code Block
kubectl get secret -n helm3-ns1

NAME                   TYPE                                  DATA   AGE
sample-deployment.v1                       1      1m26s

Modify the Chart and perform an upgrade

For demonstration purpose, udate the hello-helm3 Chart and set replicaCount: 2 in values.yaml. Remember to bump the version in Chart.yaml


Helm 3 Listing different release revisions


Clean up the Kubernetes Cluster

You can clean up your Kubernetes cluster usign helm3 uninstall, which will remove all Helm 3 artifacts from the currrent namespace.

Code Block
helm3 uninstall sample-deployment -n helm3-ns1
helm3 uninstall sample-deployment -n helm3-ns2

kubectl delete ns helm3-ns1
kubectl delete ns helm3-ns2

Playground: Docker Image

If you want to play around with Helm 3 today, you can either install on of the pre-compiled beta binaries on your system, or you can use a tiny Docker Image. I have created and published it to the public Docker Hub at thorstenhans/helm3.
