Versions Compared


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No more Tiller: Finally, the server-side component of Helm is gone. Tiller was the most significant disadvantage when considering using Helm. Instead, Helm 3 will rely on existing security patterns applied to the given cluster.

Chart Registries: Chart Registries will be implemented based on the Docker Distribution Project (aka Docker Registry v2). Helm will benefit from this move dramatically. Users can leverage existing Docker Registry v2 implementations such as Azure Container Registry (ACR) or the Docker Hub to distribute and consume their charts. Hosting Helm Charts in a Docker Registry is possible due to the Open Container Initiative (aka OCI) efforts. Docker Registries can store, maintain, and distribute any data - not just Docker Images. See the ORCAS project for example.

Library Charts: Helm 3 will introduce a new type of Charts. Library Charts are small application parts that are used to composite an overall application. Library Charts will be the reusable components of Charts in Helm 3. They don’t contain templates, so they can’t be deployed directly. They will become essential building blocks for developers to craft Application Charts and keep following the Don’t Repeat Yourself principle (DRY).

Release Management: In Helm 3, releases will be managed inside of Kubernetes using Release Objects and Kubernetes Secrets. All modifications such as installing, upgrading, downgrading releases will end in having a new version of that Kubernetes Secret. The Release Object acts as a pointer, pointing to the correct Secret for the current Release. Having both (the Release Object and the Secret) in the same Kubernetes Namespace as the actual Deployment allows us to deploy the same Release (with the same name) multiple times to a Kubernetes cluster.

Requirements: In 3, dependencies will no longer be maintained using the dedicated requirements.yaml file. Instead, the dependencies are directly listed inside of the Chart.yaml file, which means we as users have to care about fewer files.

Hands on Helm 3

First you’ve to install Helm 3. You can grab a precompiled binary from the releases page on GitHub. Once downloaded and extracted, you can either move the binary into your PATH, or create a symlink pointing to the executable. I’ve created a symlink called helm3 which will I use during the upcoming snippets.

Code Block
cd ~/Downloads
# Download Helm3 Beta3

# verify checksum
shasum -a 256 -c <<< "88ef4da17524d427b4725f528036bb91aaed1e3a5c4952427163c3d881e24d77 *helm-v3.0.0-beta.3-darwin-amd64.tar.gz"

# extract into ~/Downloads/helm3
mkdir helm3
tar -xzf helm-v3.0.0-beta.3-darwin-amd64.tar.gz --directory helm3

# create a symlink
ln -s ~/Downloads/helm3/darwin-amd64/helm /usr/bin/helm3

Verify Helm 3 installation

Because Tiller is gone, all you have to verify is the local installation using:

Code Block
helm3 version


Create a Chart and deploy it to Kubernetes

First let’s use the create sub command to create a new Application Chart.


Code Block
kubectl get secret -n helm3-ns1

NAME                   TYPE                                  DATA   AGE
sample-deployment.v1                       1      1m26s

Modify the Chart and perform an upgrade

For demonstration purpose, udate the hello-helm3 Chart and set replicaCount: 2 in values.yaml. Remember to bump the version in Chart.yaml


Helm 3 Listing different release revisions


Clean up the Kubernetes Cluster

You can clean up your Kubernetes cluster usign helm3 uninstall, which will remove all Helm 3 artifacts from the currrent namespace.

Code Block
helm3 uninstall sample-deployment -n helm3-ns1
helm3 uninstall sample-deployment -n helm3-ns2

kubectl delete ns helm3-ns1
kubectl delete ns helm3-ns2

Playground: Docker Image

If you want to play around with Helm 3 today, you can either install on of the pre-compiled beta binaries on your system, or you can use a tiny Docker Image. I have created and published it to the public Docker Hub at thorstenhans/helm3.
