Git - Before you start, you have to make git available on your computer. Getting-Started-Installing-Git.
Create an AWS KMS key and set up the same in .sops.yaml (path deploy-as-code/helm/.sops.yaml) https://github.com/mozilla/sops#updatekeys-command
Sops - Install Mozilla sops https://github.com/mozilla/sops
KMS key - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kms/latest/developerguide/create-keys.html
Helm - Install Helm https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install/
Domain Name - If you don’t have the domain, Please procure the domain name. ( you can procure it from GoDaddy or any other domain registrar )
Email Account - Email account for the email notification.
SMS gateway - Please get the SMS gateway (you can use https://www.smscountry.com/registration or any other SMS gateway provider)
Two s3 buckets - 1 - assets s3 bucket to keep environment specific pictures and custom-js-injection scripts. 2 - Filestore.
Payment Gateway - Payment Gateway Service
IAM user - Access and secret key to access filestore bucket. Please create and attach the IAM policy to the user. ( writing-iam-policies-how-to-grant-access-to-an-amazon-s3-bucket )