Fork the CIOps repo (link)
Clone the CIOps repo which you forked in your local machine
Go to the CIOps repo and checkout DIGITUPYOG-Bootcamp branch
Change the docker Hub details at the following places:
1. Change the value of DOCKER_NAMESPACE in vars/jobBuilder.groovy (link)
2. Replace the {{DOCKER_ACCOUNT}} in vars/buildPipeline.groovy. Replace at all the places. (link1, link2, link3)Push the changes to the master branch of your forked CIOps repository
Fork the DevOps repo (link) and clone the repo in your local machine
Checkout UPYOG-Bootcamp-jenkins branch.
Go to UPYOG-DevOps/infra-as-code/terraform/egov-cicd/remote-state
Change the bucket name and aws_dynamo_table name. (Replace the try-cicd-workshop-yourname which is a placeholder value)
Set the AWS credentials and cross-check using aws configure list
Run terraform:
Code Block terraform init terraform plan terraform apply