Fork the CIOps repo (link)
Clone the CIOps repo which you forked in your local machine
Go to the CIOps repo and checkout UPYOG-Bootcamp branch
Change the docker Hub details at the following places:
1. Change the value of DOCKER_NAMESPACE in vars/jobBuilder.groovy (link)
2. Replace the {{DOCKER_ACCOUNT}} in vars/buildPipeline.groovy. Replace at all the places. (link1, link2, link3)Push the changes to the master branch of your forked CIOps repository
Fork the UPYOG-DevOps repo (link) and clone the repo in your local machine
Checkout UPYOG-Bootcamp-jenkins branch.
Go to UPYOG-DevOps/infra-as-code/terraform/egov-cicd/remote-state
Change the bucket name and aws_dynamo_table name. (Replace the try-cicd-workshop-yourname which is a placeholder value)
Set the AWS credentials and cross-check using aws configure list
Run terraform:
Code Block terraform init terraform plan terraform apply