- K8s Cluster Requirement
- 1 Bastion- t2micro (Gateway) 2GB RAM 1vCore CPU
- 2 3 k8s Master- t2medium 4 GB RAM 2 vCore CPU
- 6 k8s Nodes with each 16GB RAM and 4 vCore CPUs
- AKS/EKS/GKE Managed Kubernetes Cluster Engine from AWS or Azure or GCP
- 6 k8s Nodes- m4large with each 16GB RAM and 4 vCore CPUs
Create a VPC or Virtual Private Network with multi availability zones
Provision the Linux VMs with any Container Optimised OS (CoreOS, RHEL, Ubuntu, Debian, etc) within the VPC Subnet.
Provision 1 Bastion Host that acts as proxy server to Kubernetes cluster Nodes.
- 2
3 Master Nodes with 4 GB RAM 2 vCore CPU
6 worker nodes with 16GB RAM and 4 vCore CPU
PostGres DB (Linux VM)
Provision the disk volumes for Kafka, ES-Cluster and ZooKeeper as per the below baselines and gather the volume ID details.
- Create LoadBalancer or Ingress to talk to Kube API server that routes the external traffic to the services deployed on cluster.
- Setup AuthN & AuthZ.
Install Kubectl on DevOps local machine to interact with the cluster, setup kubeconfig with the allowed user credentials