Whatsapp_PGR chatbot service is a chatbot which provides functionality to the user to access PGR module services like file complaint, track complaint, notifications from whatsapp. Currently citizen has three options to start conversation scan QR code, give missed call or directly send message to configured whatsapp number.
Prior Knowledge of Java/J2EE.
Prior Knowledge of SpringBoot.
Prior Knowledge of REST APIs and related concepts like path parameters, headers, JSON etc.
Prior Knowledge of PostgresSQL
Prior Knowledge of Kafka and related concepts like Producer, Consumer, Topic, Kafka Streams etc.
File PGR complaint
Track PGR complaint
Support images when filing complaints
Notifications to citizen when employee performs any action on complaint
Put user interactions on elastic search for Telemetry
New Whatsapp Provider Integrations:-
Whatsapp provider is a third party service which works in the middle of a user's whatsapp client and chatbot server. All messages coming/going to/from user pass through whatsapp provider. Chatbot calls whatsapp provider to send messages to user. When a user responds with any whatsapp message the whatsapp provider calls Chatbot service’s configured endpoint with details ex:- user sent message,sender’s number etc. If any new whatsapp provider is to be used with chatbot, code must be written to convert provider’s incoming messages to the format that chatbot understands and also final output from chatbot should be converted to whatsapp provider’s api request format. We discuss these in detail below:-
Input to Chabot
Example:- Refer following class in chatbot “”
Chatbot input JSON Format:
{"user":{"mobileNumber":"xxxxxxxxx",”userId”:”uuid string”}, "message":{"contentType":"text","rawInput":"mseva"},"extraInfo":{"recipient":"91874496011},"timestamp":1584172688961}
Explanation for fields:
user:- stores information about sender of message
mobileNumber:- Mobile number of sender
userId: user uuid of sender (from user service)
Message: represents user sent message details
contentType:- type of message ex:- text,image
rawInput:- the actual message body sent by the sender
Object to keep extra information that may be used while sending response to user in last stage, ex:- source mob number. All the details which is not mentioned should be kept here. Chatbot will ignore if any new value stored here
Timestamp:- timestamp when message was received
Send chatbot output message to user
Example: Refer following class in chatbot service
The object that we sent to the chatbot as input is filled with many details which are for internal working of chatbot. Out of these fields the fields which are useful while calling whatsapp provider’s send api and their paths in chatbot output are as follows
FieldInfo:- Mobile number of sender (who sent message to chatbot)
Field Path:- /user/mobileNumber
FieldInfo:- Response message from chatbot to user
Field Path:- /response/text
FieldInfo:- Chatbot response type
Field Path:- /response/type
Chatbot Configurations:
There are two types of configurations for chatbot states:-
Configuration for each state in chatbot
Graph adjacency list configuration:- to define flow between chatbot states
Configuration for each state:
name: name of state,ex:- pgr.create.tenantId
description : description about state
nodeType : step or branch.
Step:- only one possible next state
Branch:- more than one possible next state
message: localisation code of the message which will be asked when user enters this state
Nodes: define all other chat states from which user sent input is required to be read in current state
validationRequired : whether user provided value to be validated
Values: -List of options to be shown to the user in numerics in case of branch node type. The config must have entry with option text -name of state. Based on the user provided value next state will be decided.
Ex:- “values : [ "File a Complaint", "Track Complaint Status"]
File a Complaint : pgr.create.tenantId
Track Complaint Status : pgr.track.end”
typeOfValues : optional field
FixedSetValues:- The options in the question would be in numbers, and only numeric input corresponding to shown options is allowed
displayValuesAsOptions: optional, true in case of FixedSet values
numberPrefixLocalizationCode: When user is asked ordered options in numerics
Localisation code for prefix to numbers ex:- Type 1 for complaint
Type 2 for tracking
numberPostfixLocalizationCode: When user is asked ordered options in numerics
Localisation code for postfix to numbers ex:- Type 1 for complaint
Type 2 for tracking
values :
batchSize : Maximum number of ordered options shown to the user at a time to choose from in case of Fixed values
class : Fetcher class to fetch options list to the user ex:- tenantValueFetcher, localityValueFetcher etc. All these classes are defined in “” package.
params : values to be picked from chatbot object while processing current state ex:- userInfo, user’s mobile number
matchAnswerThreshold: fuzz search matching parameter for validations of user sent messages ,ex:- 80
errorMessage: localisation code of error message which would be shown to the user if he provides invalid input
Graph adjacency list configuration
This configuration defines flow between different chatbot states. For each state it is defined what could be the possible set of next states. The first state is always “root”.
All the states defined in adjacency list configurations should be defined as per the configurations defined in last section. All the entries in this config fields should be present in name field of states. The structure of adjacency list configuration is as follows:-
Current state,next state1,next state2 …...
Flow Diagram:
High Level Diagram of chatbot interactions
Flow Diagram of Chatbot-User conversation
Flow Diagram of Chatbot notifications