Certificate Generation

The final step in this process is the creation of configs to create a voter registration PDF for the citizens to download. For this, we will make use of DIGIT’s PDF service which uses PDFMake and Mustache libraries to generate PDF. A detailed documentation on PDF service and generating PDFs using PDF service can be found here - .

For our guide, we will follow the following steps to set up PDF service locally and generate PDF for our voter registration service -

i) Clone DIGIT Services repo.

> git clone -o upstream https://github.com/egovernments/DIGIT-Dev

ii) Clone Configs repo.

> git clone -o upstream https://github.com/egovernments/configs

iii) Now, go into the DIGIT-Dev repo and open up a terminal. Checkout DIGIT_DEVELOPER_GUIDE branch.

> cd DIGIT-Dev > git checkout DIGIT_DEVELOPER_GUIDE

iv) Now, go inside configs folder and under pdf-service data config and format config folders, create file by the name of digit-developer-guide.json

Add the following content in this newly created data config file -

v) Now, under format-config folder, again create a file by the name of digit-developer-guide.json and put the following content into it -

vi) Now, open PDF service (under core-services repository of DIGIT-Dev) on your IDE. Open Environment.js file and change the following properties to point to the local config files that have been created. For example, in my local setup I have pointed these to the local files that I created -

vii) Now, make sure that kafka and workflow services are running locally and port-forward the following services -

egov-user to port 8284

egov-localization to port 8286

egov-filestore to 8288

egov-mdms to 8082

viii) PDF service is now ready to be started up. Execute the following commands to start it up -

ix) Once PDF service is up hit the following cURL to look at the created PDF -