Import required components

Import required components

In Birth-Registration (or any other module ) we need to import common libraries and components so we can reuse that components in our code.
we need to import CSS , libraries , common , react components we need to import as see in below image we need to add it into package.json.

"@egovernments/digit-ui-css": "1.5.3", "@egovernments/digit-ui-libraries":"1.5.3", "@egovernments/digit-ui-module-common":"1.5.3", "@egovernments/digit-ui-module-br":"1.5.4", "@egovernments/digit-ui-module-dss":"1.5.3", "@egovernments/digit-ui-react-components":"1.5.3",

Clone the github repo for other common components

Components that we are reusing -

  1. FormComposer

  2. ActionBar

  3. Banner

  4. Card

  5. CardText

  6. Loader

  7. SubmitBar

  8. AppContainer

  9. BackButton

  10. PrivateRoute

  11. Icons

  12. CitizenHomecard

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