W&S 2020-07-23 Standup Meeting notes
W&S 2020-07-23 Standup Meeting notes
Amit Kumar Yadav, Nikitha Komminen, Sowmya Shree, Sathish P
Daily stand-up team meeting
Discussion topics
Item | Presenter | Notes for Previous Day | Notes for current Day | Notes - impediment |
Backend | Amit | Helping to the QA for UAT queries | Testing to the dev environment and resolving the UAT quries |
Frontend | Nikitha | Worked on WoR 382 documentation for role actions and Sowmya gave one connection number for advance carry forward tested in qa and dev | Working with QA to reslove the UAT issue and Branch cleanup activity and testing on WOR-361 W&S Module run independently |
| Sathish |
| Sowmya |