
Team members


Work life impact areas

Work Life Impact Play


🏡 Home office

🛠 Role requirements

🤝 Support networks

H1 / H2 / H3 / H4

R1 / R2 / R3 / R4

N1 / N2 / N3 / N4

🏡 Home office

🛠 Role requirements

🤝 Support networks

Consider your current home office experience and if you have a...

H1: Personal space and significant household responsibilities

H2: Shared space and significant household responsibilities

H3: Shared space and fewer household responsibilities

H4: Personal space and fewer household responsibilities

Consider your current role and if you have...

R1: Fewer social interactions and complex workflows

R2: Several social interactions and complex workflows

R3: Several social interactions and independent workflows

R4: Fewer social interactions and independent workflows

Consider your support networks and if you have a...

N1: Weaker workplace network and strong personal relationships

N2: Strong workplace network and strong personal relationships

N3: Strong workplace network and weaker personal relationships

N4: Weaker workplace network and weaker personal relationships


Something I can change or do differently

Something we can do to better support each other

Something we can try as a team

Support we need from our company