Financial year end activity

Add tax period in MDMS 

Billing Service 




PT taxheads FY update (tenant specific)


*Restart MDMS service after merging changes to master branch (env specific branch)

Add target data in national dashboard

1curl -L 'https://upyog-sandbox.niua.org/national-dashboard/masterdata/_ingest' \ 2-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 3-d '{ 4 "RequestInfo": { 5 "apiInfo": { 6 "id": "asset-services", 7 "version": "", 8 "path": "" 9 }, 10 "deviceDetail": { 11 "id": "", 12 "signature": "" 13 }, 14 "ts": 0, 15 "action": "", 16 "key": "", 17 "msgId": "", 18 "requesterId": "", 19 "authToken": "d275a707-ea90-42e5-8f93-829c6a5ad5ed", 20 "signature": "" 21 }, 22 "MasterData": { 23 "financialYear": "2021-22", 24 "module": "TL", 25 "ulb": "pb.amritsar", 26 "region": "Amritsar", 27 "state": "Punjab", 28 "metrics": { 29 "date": "01-04-2021", 30 "snoForMunicipalCorporation": "45", 31 "ulbName": "pb.amritsar", 32 "budgetProposedForMunicipalCorporation": 40000000 33 } 34 } 35}'

Fetch the target data from states and update it in the specific environment 

Target data ingest (example)