Connection Holder Details

At the time of apply new water/sewerage connection, in apply screen first page(connection details) we need to search propertyID (or) create the propertyID . By the time we will get the property details, property location details and property owner details which related the propertyID. Now along with the property details we are implemented the Connection Holder Details card. Two criteria’s we developed related to connection Holder details:


Connection holder details card having the checkbox functionality on selecting the checkbox same as owner details it means connection holder same as the property owner. Default value should be checked.

For below screen shot relevant code is present in


If we remove check from the checkbox it means connection holder is different from property owner. so, that it required the relevant fields to update the connection holder details based on requirement and validation also provided. connection holder details card follows the same structure of property owner details card. In this below card all fields all mandatory. Special Applicant Category drop down come from MDMS configuration.

For below screen shot relevant code is present in

After entering the connection holder details and click on NEXT it will go the documents page of apply page the flow will be the same as apply for new water and sewerage connection. Connection holder details whatever we filled in apply first screen those details are populated in summary page.

In PDF file also we are populating the connection holder details card that relevant code is present in and PDF generated file is


In Search-preview page connection holder details are displayed and that relevant code present in review-trade.js