Demand Framework

Demand Framework


The main objective of the Demand framework is to maintain Tax head and Tax Period wise demand (Tax/Fee/Charges) for every revenue entity and provide a Bill for a demand.


Below masters has to be defined

  • Tax Head: The different type of tax heads to be defined under the right category (Tax/Fee/Charges) for your module
  • Tax Periods: The different type of tax periods has to be defined for your module
  • Tax head and period mapping: Define what are all the tax heads are valid for defined periods




Create/Update/View DemandThe system provides to create/update/view demand with tax head wise breakups
Create BillThe system provides hooks to create a bill for the revenue system. The bill may contain a revenue system specific business rules along with consumer demand.
Back update the collectionThe system provides hooks to back update the collection for the revenue system. During the collection back update along with the demand collection update, there might be more business rules.
DCBThe System provides API to get DCB for your business entity with Tax head wise break up for Demand, Collection, Balance along with payment details if any.

Configurations and Setup

To enable new service, define Tax head and Tax period masters.

Support Information

References and Notes

  • ER Diagram

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