FSM User Manual



DIGIT Faecal Sludge Management User Manual



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About this manual

The DIGIT-Faecal Sludge Management (FSM) system is designed to improve citizen services, ensure the waste is disposed of at the locations designated by the state and assist the ULB in managing the desludging operations.‌ The tool makes it easier for government departments to process and regulate the entire solid waste management functions.

This document acts as an easy reference for citizens and ULB employees using the FSM module. The user manual presents an overview of the FSM functions and gives step-by-step instructions for completing a variety of tasks. 

Table of Contents

About this manual

Intended audience

Document conventions

Document version history

Introduction to FSM

User roles

Getting Started with FSM

Using FSM


Apply For Desludging Services

‌Check Application Status & Make Payment

Rate Services

ULB Employee

Create Desludging Application

Update Application

Make Payment

Assign Requests to DSO

Re-assign DSO

Assign Vehicle and Schedule Trips

Complete or Decline Request


Assign Vehicle and Schedule Trips

Complete Request

Decline Request

Septage Treatment Plant Operator User Manual

Update Vehicle Log





Intended audience

The intended audience for this user manual include -

  1. Citizens

  2. ULB employees

  3. State employees

  4. Desludging Operators

  5. Waste Management Agencies

Document conventions

If you see…..

It means….

Bold Text 

Screen elements like buttons, drop-down lists, input fields, and such UI elements are highlighted in Bold


Italicized text 

The word or set of words is especially emphasized. 


The Arrow ‘>’  notation describes the flow of navigation in  The Arrow ‘>’  notation describes the flow of navigation in the application 



The text following this icon provides additional information


The text following this icon provides suggestive use

The field following this icon is a  Mandatory field

The text following this icon indicates a call for attention

Document version history

Version Number

Release Date

Release Description

Version V1.0

December 2021


Version V1.1

March 2022


Introduction to FSM

The DIGIT-Faecal Sludge Management (FSM) module allows citizens to make an application for desludging with multiple trips and pay the fees during the service delivery. The module makes the process of obtaining a desludging service easy, smooth, and transparent. It eliminates the current manual process by streamlining it and capturing information end-to-end by making sure to pick up the waste and dispose of it in the correct treatment plant, thus ensuring a better citizen service experience with the Urban Local Body (ULB) and cleaner/healthier environment.

It enables citizens and ULBs to apply for desludging services, make payment for services, assign service requests to a desludging operator, and update vehicle logs‌.

User roles

Refer to the table below to understand the different user roles and the scope of action linked to each role. The applicable user roles and action items can vary from one State to another. DIGIT customizes the workflows to suit the requirements defined at the State level. 


User Role

Scope of Action

Role Description


Apply for desludging services

Make payment for services

Individuals and society groups/communities

Desludging Operators (DSO)

Take action on a assigned service

Private or government entities

Septage Treatment Plant Operator (SeTPO)

Update vehicle log

Private or government entities


Apply for desludging services on behalf of citizen

Receive payment from citizen over the counter

Assign DSOs to a service & Update Status of a request

Send Back



ULB employees

Getting Started with FSM

This section of the user manual guides you through the user login process. Citizens can sign up to use the FSM module through the online web portal or the mobile application login interface. 

Refer to Appendix 1 to learn more about user registration, logging in, editing user profile, and logging out.

Using FSM

This section guides you through the details of using the FSMmodule for each role. Click on the relevant role below to learn more about how to use the FSM system.

  1. Citizens

  2. ULB Employees 

  3. Desludging Operators (DSO)

  4. Septage Treatment Plant Operator (SeTPO)



Citizens represent individuals or communities who are the system end-users. The FSM module provides the citizens with the scope to apply for desludging services and make the payment for the applied services.‌

The Citizen can -

  • Apply for desludging services

  • Check application status and vehicle status

  • Download application acknowledgement

  • Choose Prepayment or Post Payment ( Pay on Service)  option to apply for service

  • Rate the services provided by the Urban Local Bodies (ULBs)


Apply For Desludging Services

Enter Mobile Number, Name, and City details. Click on Continue button.

Enter the OTP received on the given mobile number. Click on Continue. The system validates the details and allows the user to log in to the system with the registered mobile number.

Enter your registered mobile number and the OTP received on the mobile to log in. Click on Continue with Whatsapp button to register your service request using the whatsapp channel.

Click on Continue button.

Click on Apply for Emptying of Septic Tank/Pit option on the home page.

Select your payment preference. If you skip this step, the payment default will be Pay on Service ( Postpay) .

Select the Gender.

Select the relevant Property Type.

The system provides cost estimate details based on the selected property type. Click on the Next button.

Select the applicable Property Sub Type.

Enable the Location Finder to allow GPS to track the current location. Or, move the pin to the location manually. Alternatively, you can also enter the location in the Search bar.

Click on Skip and Continue button in case you are unable to provide a GPS location.

The Pincode field gets auto-populated if the location is selected on the map. Else, enter the Pincode of the location details manually. Click on Skip and Continue in case you are unable to provide the Pincode details.

City and Locality/Mohalla fields are auto-populated once the Pincode is entered. Else, select the City and applicable Locality/Mohalla from the drop-down list.

Select Yes if your property is located in a notified slum area. Else, select No. Click on the Next button to move to the next screen.

Select and enter the Slum Name from the available drop-down list.

Enter the Street Name and Door No. details.

Provide a Landmark to enable the service providers to find the location easily.

Select the applicable Sanitation Type from the listed options. Click on Skip and Continue button if you are not sure about the sanitation type.

Enter the dimensions of length, breadth, and depth in meters to indicate the Pit/Septic Tank Size. Enter the diameter and depth in meters in case the sanitation type is a soak pit.‌

Click on the Next button to move to the Summary page.

Cross verify the filled in details on the Summary page. Click on the Change button available for the field that requires any edits. Scroll down the page to review the application details.

Click on the Submit button once the review is complete and the details are satisfactory.

The system displays the Application Submitted message. Application No. is generated.

‌Click on the Download button on the screen to generate a pdf copy of the application.

The system triggers a notification along with the Application No. and details to the registered mobile number. Any subsequent updates and action on the application also trigger a notification to the applicant.

‌Check Application Status & Make Payment

Click on My Applications on the citizen home page. Click on the View button for the application pending payment.

Scroll down the application and click on the Make Payment button.

Select the applicable Payment Method and then click on the Pay button.

The system displays a payment acknowledgement message along with the Payment Receipt No. Click on the Print Receipt button to get a printed receipt.

Rate Services

Applicants can rate the services given and provide detailed feedback on their applications.

Go to My Applications and click on the View button for the application having the status Pending for Citizen Feedback.

Scroll down the application to the Application Timeline section. Click on the Rate Us button.

Enter your ratings by clicking on the number of stars. Answer the questions on the feedback form.

Enter any additional insights in the Comments box. Click on the Submit button.

The feedback is submitted.

ULB Employee 

ULB officials or employees receive the service requests and are responsible for routing these requests to specific DSOs.‌

Employees can -‌

  • Create Desludging application

  • Make payment

  • Update application / Generate Demand

  • Assign DSO to an application

  • Re-assign DSO to an application

  • Cancel the application

  • Reject the application‌

Create Desludging Application

Log in as employee FSM Creator role.

Click on the Inbox to view the list of applications created by the signed-in user.‌

Click on New Emptying of Septic Tank / Pit Application option.

Select the relevant Application Channel to indicate the channel that the employee is using to create a new service request. The applicant may use the telephone to raise requests or the local office counter.

‌Enter the Applicant Name, Applicant Mobile No and Gender.

Select the mode of payment the citizen wants. Pay Now for pre payment and Pay on Service to Pay later

Select the relevant Property Type and Property Sub Type.

Enter the Pincode, City, Locality/Mohalla, Slum Name, Street Name, Door No. and Landmark details in the Location panel.

Select the applicable Onsite Sanitation Type from the drop-down list. Enter the Pit Dimension or dimensions in meters for the selected sanitation type.

Select the Vehicle Capacity that will be required to fulfil this request. Enter the required No. of Trips and Amount per Trip details to calculate the Total Amount payable for the service request.

Click on the Submit Application button.

The application is submitted and an Application No. is generated. Click on the Download button on the screen to generate a pdf copy of the application for future reference.

‌The system will trigger notifications to the applicant mobile number with the application number and status updates.


Update Application

‌Employees can update application details on behalf of the applicant.

Search for the application by the application number or any other search filter. Scroll down the application and click on the Take Action button. Click on Update Application. Make the required changes and resubmit it.‌

Assign Requests to DSO

‌ Employees assign the received service requests to relevant DSOs for action.

Search for applicants Pending for DSO Assignment. Click on Application No. to open it.

Scroll down the application and click on the Take Action button. Click on Assign DSO.

Select the relevant DSO Name from the drop-down list. The list of DSOs is populated on the basis of the selected vehicle capacity. The Expected date of completion shows the current date by default. Change this if required. Click on the Assign button.

The request is assigned to the selected DSO.

Re-assign DSO

Employees can reassign to other DSOs in case the request has been rejected or declined by the DSO for some reason.

Search for applications Pending for DSO Approval status. Click on the relevant Application No. to open it.

Scroll down the application and click on Take Action button. Click on Re-assign DSO.

Select the applicable Reason for Re-assign. Select the relevant DSO Name. Update the Expected date of completion if required. Click on the Reassign button.

The DSO was reassigned successfully.

Assign Vehicle and Schedule

Once the DSO is assigned, the vehicle matching the capacity entered must be selected and assigned. 


Once the vehicle is assigned, the number of trips can be added and scheduled for the service by clicking on Schedule.


Complete or Decline Request

‌Employees can complete or decline service requests on behalf of the DSO.

Search for application with the status as DSO InProgress. Click on the Application No. to open it.

Scroll down the application and click on the Take Action button. Click on Complete Request or Decline Request. Fill in the request details on behalf of the DSO to complete or reject the request.

Make Payment 

‌Employees can collect the payment for the service requested at the counter. Payments can also be collected for applications raised by citizens online.

Navigate to the employee Inbox.

Search for the application in the inbox using the search filters provided. Fetch applications that have the status as Pending for Payment. Click on the relevant application to open it.

Scroll down the application and click on the Take Action button. Click on Collect Payment.

The payment details are available on the screen.

Enter the Payer Details to proceed with the payment. Select the Paid By option as Other in case the payment is not made by the applicant. Enter the Payer Name and Payer Mobile No. details. Else, select Owner. The applicant or Payer Name and Payer Mobile No. are auto-populated from the application.

‌Select the relevant Payment Mode and proceed with the payment details. Click on Generate Receipt once the payment is done.

The Payment Collected acknowledgement provides the payment Receipt No. Click on the Print Receipt button to print the receipt.


The Desludging Operators or DSOs are responsible for initiating and completing action on the citizen requests for desludging services. The requests are routed to the respective DSOs by the ULB officials. The DSOs update the application status once the services are delivered and payments collected.

DSOs can -

  • Assign vehicles for desludging services

  • Decline service requests

  • Complete service requests

Assign Vehicles


Click on DSO Login.


Enter the registered Mobile Number.


Enter the OTP received on the registered mobile number.


The DSO Inbox displays the list of applications pending for action. Click on the arrow icon to view the applications.


Applications with Status as Pending DSO Approval requires the DSO to initiate action. DSOs can either Assign Vehicle to complete the service request or a Decline Request in case the service request cannot be fulfilled for some reason.


Scroll down the application page and click on Take Action button. Click on Assign Vehicle. The system auto-populates the vehicles registered with the logged-in DSO in the vehicle drop-down list. 


Select and enter the Vehicle Registration No. The Vehicle Capacity (Ltrs) field is auto-populated depending on the selected vehicle. Click on Assign Vehicle. The vehicle is assigned successfully to the listed service request.



DSO can then schedule the trips by clicking on Schedule.

Confirm the number of trips and click on Schedule.

Once the schedule is done, a notification goes to citizens to make the payment and vehicle logs equal to the number of trips is created at the FSTPO inbox. 

Once all the trip entries are made at the FSTPO inbox, DSO can complete the request to service the next application. 

Complete Request

Click on the Take Action button and click on Complete Request.


The Septic Tank / Pit emptied On field assumes the current date by default. Change the date if required.

The Volume of Waste Collected (Ltrs) field displays the vehicle capacity value by default. Change if required.


The request is completed successfully.

Decline Request


Click on the Take Action button and then click on Decline Request.


Select and enter the applicable Reason for Declining. Enter any Comments to validate the request decline. Click on Decline Request button.


The service request is Declined Successfully.

Septage Treatment Plant Operator User Manual

The Septage Treatment Plant Operator (SeTPO) receives the list of planned desludging requests available in the system and updates the vehicle log entering the FSTP/STP every day.‌

SeTPO can‌

  • Update desludging vehicle log‌

Update Vehicle Log

Log in to the system with the SeTPO credentials.

Click on Faecal Sludge Management card on the page.

The user Inbox provides a summary log of vehicles and total waste collection capacity available for disposal. Click on the arrow icon to enter the Inbox.


The inbox displays the Application number and Vehicle Log details. Click on the Vehicle Log to view the waste volume collected details at the plant for each trip.

The number of vehicle logs for each application will be equal to the number of trips entered and will be displayed in the FSTPO inbox.


Edit the Waste Received (Ltrs) value to indicate the volume of waste collected by the selected vehicle. The vehicle capacity value is auto-populated here by default. Edit the Time of Dumping of the waste as required.

‌The Vehicle Log screen displays the waste collection and the waste generator details. Scroll down to view the details.

Click on the Submit button to update the vehicle log details. Repeat this step for all vehicle logs of the application.