My Applications

My Applications 

Users can review the list of applications and their status registered under their mobile number in My Applications tab. Each Application for the initial view will display Application No, Service Category, Owner Name (Multiple with comma), status, SLA, Trade Name with View Details option, and if the status is pending for payment it will be View Details & Pay, through which User can look up more details about the Application.

Once the user clicks on View Details or View Details & Pay button, the Application Details Page will be displayed with all the necessary information about the application.

The user can download Application Acknowledgement Form (status - pending for payment ) or TL Certificate or receipt, if it has been paid from the Download Link button at the top right corner of the page.


If the status is Pending for Payment for the application or Action required by citizen (discussed elaborately here ), a button will be visible to pay or edit at the end of the page respectively. On clicking on the Make Payment button it will redirect to common pay screen through which user can make the payment.


timeline component:

timeline component is present at the end of the application details which tells about the current status and history of the application being initiated, Applied, Pending for Document Verification, Pending for Field Inspection, Pending approval, Pending payment, Approved etc.

Technical Implementation Details:

The link for the Applications and Application Details main code is given below, it can be used to understand the working of the code, Below is the folder link.

The template for My Application List is present under and Application Details page is present inside . All the Application list is being retrieved by calling the search API "/tl-services/v1/_search", if the view is set as “bills”, all the application is loaded using the hook useFetchBill which calls the /billing-service/bill/v2/_fetchbill API. SLA value in Application List Screen is being calculated from the data received from workflow API : /egov-workflow-v2/egov-wf/process/_search

Following is the hook used for the Trade search API.

const { isLoading, isError, data, error, } = view === "bills" ? { params: { businessService: "TL", tenantId, mobileNumber }, config: { enabled: view === "bills" } } ) :{}, { enabled: view !== "bills" });


To get the Application details in key-value format, in order to make it more compatible, following hook is being used,which is a common service to be used across modules.

const { isLoading, isError, error, data: application, error: errorApplication } ={ tenantId: tenantId, applicationNumber: id, });



No MDMS data being used here, all the data is being loaded from Search API/Fetch Bill API.


Localization :

For My Applications also the Localization keys are being added in the ‘rainmaker-tl’ locale module same as other part of module TL . To change, update or of adding  any new localization key will be done in the same locale module only.