Expenditure Dashboard
Link. → {base url}/mgramseva/home/dashboard?tab=1.
Users are redirected to this screen when they select the GPWSC Dashboard option on the home screen.
User Interaction on Screen
Users can select the month from the drop-down which contains the list of the last 5 Financial years, on tap of any year respective months will be displayed.
Users can see the user satisfaction average scores of the selected month.
Users can see the Expenditure metric information of Total Expenditure, Amount unpaid, and Amount Paid, Total Bills, Bills Paid, Pending Bills, Electricity Bill, O&M & MISC, and Salary.
From the text field, users can search the expenses using Bill ID or vendor name.
Users can see the expense data for paid and pending with respective tabs.
Initially, only 10 expenses are loaded for the selected tab. The pagination dropdown and right arrow click enable the user to load and view more expense records.
Selecting any Bill ID navigates the users to the Expense update screen.
User can see the WhatsApp Share button, by tapping on it user can share the Expenses as a PDF via WhatsApp.
Files Path
Primary Files: https://github.com/egovernments/punjab-mgramseva/blob/develop/frontend/mgramseva/lib/screeens/dashboard/Dashboard.dart punjab-mgramseva/frontend/mgramseva/lib/screeens/dashboard/search_expense.dart at develop · egovernments/punjab-mgramseva punjab-mgramseva/frontend/mgramseva/lib/screeens/dashboard/dashboard_pdf.dart at develop · misdwss/punjab-mgramseva punjab-mgramseva/frontend/mgramseva/lib/components/Dashboard/DashboardCard.dart at develop · misdwss/punjab-mgramseva punjab-mgramseva/frontend/mgramseva/lib/components/Dashboard/nested_date_picker.dart at develop · misdwss/punjab-mgramseva
API Details
SL | End Point | Request Method | Request Info |
1 | / | POST | tenantId : {} sortOrder ; {} |
2 |
| POST |
3 |
| POST |
1 → Home Screen. + Dashboard expenditure screen + update expense screen
Pop → Dashboard expenditure screen → Home Screen
2 → Home Screen. + Dashboard expenditure screen + update expense screen + expense update success
Pop → Home Screen
Widgets Utilised from Library
SL No | Widgets | File Path | Description |
1 |
| Pagination | |
2 |
| Text Field | |
3 |
| Table | |
4 |
| Subtitle |
Role Access Mapping
case Routes.DASHBOARD:
Files Path
View → https://github.com/egovernments/punjab-mgramseva/blob/develop/frontend/mgramseva/lib/screeens/dashboard/Dashboard.dart , punjab-mgramseva/frontend/mgramseva/lib/screeens/dashboard/search_expense.dart at develop · egovernments/punjab-mgramseva
Controller → punjab-mgramseva/frontend/mgramseva/lib/providers/dashboard_provider.dart at develop · egovernments/punjab-mgramseva ,punjab-mgramseva/frontend/mgramseva/lib/repository/expenses_repo.dart at develop · egovernments/punjab-mgramseva