Expenditure Dashboard

Link. → {base url}/mgramseva/home/dashboard?tab=1.

Users are redirected to this screen when they select the GPWSC Dashboard option on the home screen.

User Interaction on Screen

  • Users can select the month from the drop-down which contains the list of the last 5 Financial years, on tap of any year respective months will be displayed.

  • Users can see the user satisfaction average scores of the selected month.

  • Users can see the Expenditure metric information of Total Expenditure, Amount unpaid, and Amount Paid, Total Bills, Bills Paid, Pending Bills, Electricity Bill, O&M & MISC, and Salary.

  • From the text field, users can search the expenses using Bill ID or vendor name.

  • Users can see the expense data for paid and pending with respective tabs.

  • Initially, only 10 expenses are loaded for the selected tab. The pagination dropdown and right arrow click enable the user to load and view more expense records.

  • Selecting any Bill ID navigates the users to the Expense update screen.

  • User can see the WhatsApp Share button, by tapping on it user can share the Expenses as a PDF via WhatsApp.


Files Path

Primary Files: https://github.com/egovernments/punjab-mgramseva/blob/develop/frontend/mgramseva/lib/screeens/dashboard/Dashboard.dart https://github.com/egovernments/punjab-mgramseva/blob/develop/frontend/mgramseva/lib/screeens/dashboard/search_expense.dart https://github.com/misdwss/punjab-mgramseva/blob/develop/frontend/mgramseva/lib/screeens/dashboard/dashboard_pdf.dart https://github.com/misdwss/punjab-mgramseva/blob/develop/frontend/mgramseva/lib/components/Dashboard/DashboardCard.dart https://github.com/misdwss/punjab-mgramseva/blob/develop/frontend/mgramseva/lib/components/Dashboard/nested_date_picker.dart


API Details


End Point

Request Method

Request Info


End Point

Request Method

Request Info




tenantId : {}
offset ; {}
limit : {}
fromDate : {}
toDate : {}
vendorName : {}
challanNo : {}
toDate : {}
freeSearch : {}
status : {}
isBillCount : {}

sortOrder ; {}
sortBy : {}
isBillPaid : {}




tenantId : {}

module : {}




url : {}



1 → Home Screen. + Dashboard expenditure screen + update expense screen

Pop → Dashboard expenditure screen → Home Screen

2 → Home Screen. + Dashboard expenditure screen + update expense screen + expense update success

Pop → Home Screen

Widgets Utilised from Library


Role Access Mapping



Files Path

Model → https://github.com/egovernments/punjab-mgramseva/blob/develop/frontend/mgramseva/lib/model/expensesDetails/expenses_details.dart

View → https://github.com/egovernments/punjab-mgramseva/blob/develop/frontend/mgramseva/lib/screeens/dashboard/Dashboard.dart , https://github.com/egovernments/punjab-mgramseva/blob/develop/frontend/mgramseva/lib/screeens/dashboard/search_expense.dart

Controller → https://github.com/egovernments/punjab-mgramseva/blob/develop/frontend/mgramseva/lib/providers/dashboard_provider.dart ,https://github.com/egovernments/punjab-mgramseva/blob/develop/frontend/mgramseva/lib/repository/expenses_repo.dart