National Dashboard and State DSS Release Notes 2.7

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Abhishek Suresh









In this release of the National Urban Dashboard, both state and national level DSS instances were developed for some modules and only the national level instance for a few others.

Release Highlights

All the module dashboards have the following common features:

  • Filters for the date range, States, ULBs

  • Denominations to change the revenue metrics view

  • Drill down feature in the service report where state wise, ULB wise, and ward wise reports are available by clicking on the boundary name

  • Definitions for all the metrics and chart elements are viewable by hovering over the desired element/metric

  • The search feature in the filter boxes and service tabular reports

  • Download, share (WhatsApp, email) for individual cards and overall dashboard

Each module dashboard presents the aggregated urban data from the ward, ULB, and state levels in concise charts, graphs, and also in raw numbers as per the KPIs defined. Except for Landing Page, all the other modules are similar for both national and state-level instances.



Landing Page

State DSS

National DSS

Overview Page

National DSS

Property Tax

National DSS

Trade License

National DSS

Public Grievances & Redressal

National DSS

Online Building Plan Approval System

State DSS & National DSS

Fire NOC

State DSS & National DSS


State DSS & National DSS

Water & Sewerage

State DSS & National DSS

Click on the file link below to find the detailed definitions of each KPI in the dashboard.

Release Features

The individual dashboard features are listed in the table below:

Key Feature


Landing Page

Provides a comprehensive aggregated view of the service and revenue metrics across all the states(Total collection, Total Applications, Target Achievement, SLA compliance etc.), status of the program across states (live, under implementation, onboarded etc.), and also links to detailed dashboards of various urban modules(Property Tax, Trade Licences etc.) In the national Instance it also has a geographical map of India depicting the status of program across different states and also the status of onboarded vs live ULBs across the time period.

Overview Page

This dashboard gives a detailed view of all the metrics related to revenue and service across all the modules. Some of the metrics include top 3 / bottom 3 performing states, SLA achievement, visualisations to view total applications across time and split module wise etc.

Property Tax

Includes separate tabs for revenue and service metrics. Revenue tab includes metrics such as Total collection, target collection etc, collection by usage type graph, tabular reports of split of tax heads. Service tab includes metrics such as Total properties, total assessments, completion rate etc.

Trade License

Has separate revenue and service tabs for KPIs. Revenue tab includes metrics such as total collection, target collection, Cumulative collection across time graph, collection by trade type graph,tax head breakup etc. Service tab includes metrics such as Total applications, total licences etc, Licence by application status pie chart

Public Grievances & Redressal

Since this is a service module, there are no separate tabs and has only service metrics such as total complaints, SLA compliance, pie charts depicting complaints by channel,department, status etc. Also has a service report which is a tabular chart complaint status for each state.


Includes metrics such as total challans, total receipts, number of categories, charts of challan count by status, receipt count by status, top categories collection, state wise collection tabular report, monthly collections etc.

Online Building Plan Approval System

Includes metrics such as total plans scrutinised, total OC issues, Average days to issue permit, SLA compliance, Total permits issued vs total OC issued vs Total OC submitted graph, permits issued by occupancy type pie chart, permits issued by risk type pie chart, tabular service report etc.


Includes metrics such as total collection, total applications, Provisional NOCs issued, New NOCs issued, Pie charts for collection by payment mode, Total NOCs by type, top3/bottom 3 performing states, service tabular report etc.

Water & Sewerage

Has separate revenue and service tabs. Revenue tab has metrics such as total collection, target achievement collection by usage type graph, collection by channel graph, tax head breakup tabular chart etc. Service tab has Total application, water metered connection, non metered connections, sewerage connections, Connections by usage type graph, connections by channel type graph, connection ageing tabular chart etc.

Known Issues


Upcoming Release Features

  •  Sidebar navigation

  • About, Purpose pages

Reference Doc Links

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