How to use and configure localization

This screen used to add, update, search and delete localization key and value to the application


  1. Feature

  1. Bulk upload(Excel).

  1. Bulk module search.

  1. Module and language-wise search.

  1. Table view with edit and delete.

  1. Validation of duplicate data.

  1. Global search.

  1. Export as CSV.

  1. Search localization

  1. Users can search localization for any modules selecting search filters as mentioned screenshot.

  1. Select Locale and click on Search.

  1. Users can do a global search entering the specified search string.

  1. Create Localization

  1. Search for modules and Locale you want to add localization and click on search.

  1. Click on + button right top of the result card, it will show fields to add localization, enter localization code, message, module, and Locale then clicks the OK icon.

  1. Update Localization

  1. Search for modules and Locale you want to add localization and click on search.

  1. Search or go to a particular row on the table and click on edit. Update the values as needed for your requirement then click on the OK button.

  1. Delete localization key

  1. Search for modules and Locale you want to add localization and click on search.

  1. Search or go to a particular row on the table and click on edit. Update the values as needed for your requirement then click on the OK button.

  1. It will show confirmation message, click on Ok icon, and delete the record.


  1. Filter the records

  1. Search for modules and Locale you want to add localization and click on search.

  1. Click filters in 1st row, select the related filters, click on other places, it will filter the record.

  1. Bulk Upload

  1. Click on + button top right of the localization screen, upload the document that is having the data in the form of the code, messages, module, and locale, then click on upload. It will take some time to upload wait for the same. If any error in the data it through the exception.

PFA of bulk upload template.

  1. Export as CSV.

  1. Top right of the result card click on the 1st icon, then click on export.

  1. MDMS changes for this feature.

  1. Need to add 2 properties as below to state info master.



{ "languages":[ { "label":"ENGLISH", "value":"en_IN" }, { "label":"हिंदी", "value":"hi_IN" }, { "label":"ಕನ್ನಡ", "value":"kn_IN" } ], "localizationModules":[ { "label":"rainmaker-abg", "value":"rainmaker-abg" }, { "label":"rainmaker-common", "value":"rainmaker-common" }, { "label":"rainmaker-noc", "value":"rainmaker-noc" }, { "label":"rainmaker-pt", "value":"rainmaker-pt" }, { "label":"rainmaker-uc", "value":"rainmaker-uc" }, { "label":"rainmaker-pgr", "value":"rainmaker-pgr" }, { "label":"rainmaker-tl", "value":"rainmaker-tl" }, { "label":"rainmaker-hr", "value":"rainmaker-hr" }, { "label":"rainmaker-test", "value":"rainmaker-test" }, { "label":"finance-erp", "value":"finance-erp" }, { "label":"rainmaker-receipt", "value":"rainmaker-receipt" } ] }
  1. Add iframe configuration in bellow URL

"ui-localisation":{ "iframe-routes":{ "localization":{ "routePath":"/ui-localisation/#/egov-ui-framework/egov-localization/localization", "isOrigin":true } } }
  1. Add a menu action

{ "id": 1889, "name": "rainmaker-localization-screen", "url": "url", "displayName": "Localization", "orderNumber": 5, "parentModule": "", "enabled": true, "serviceCode": "", "code": "", "path": "Localization", "navigationURL": "integration/ui-localisation/localization", "leftIcon": "places:business-center", "rightIcon": "", "queryParams": "" }
  1. Add role action mapping

Note: URL and number of actionid will depend on the environment to environment, please refer your environment id.

11. Build URL

12. Branch
