Playground set up issues List
Trade Licence
Map all TL roles to respective API’s giving 403 status in
2. Env variable missing for workflow services.
- name: EGOV_WF_STATELEVEL value: {{ index .Values "workflow-statelevel" | quote }}
Also map it in workflow-statelevel: "true"
3. Either add billing slabs data using collections if already existing then check for tenantId mapping in the table. Just updating tenantId column in the table should be enough.
4. Master Datas to be published. Change all the master datas tenantId respectively.
playground-mdms-data/data/pg/TradeLicense at master · egovernments/playground-mdms-data
5. Push Respective Business sevice Configs if not present in the db.
6. Update the persister yml for tradelicence.
Also change the path of the persister respectively in
7. Fetching Bank account Failed - Insert bank account
INSERT INTO egf_bankaccount(
id, bankbranchid, chartofaccountid, fundid, accountnumber, accounttype, description,
active, payto, type, createdby, createddate, lastmodifiedby,
lastmodifieddate, version, tenantid)
VALUES (4, 4, null, null, '000000000022', 'OTHER SCHEDULED BANKS', null,
true, null, 'RECEIPTS_PAYMENTS', null,'2017-10-10 12:33:56.573' , null,
'2017-10-10 12:33:56.573', 0, 'pg.citya');
8. Error: Failed to generate ID, unknown error occurred - update pg-service returned 400.
Add entry for ur the respective service in
9. S3 url was pb-egov-assets
Change it to pg-egov-assets in tenants.json . And also add logo in the path
mSeva Events
Invalid Tenant Id : Domain name was pointing to QA . Hence changed the domain name to playground in
Change the param egov-services-fqdn-name value to respective domain
2. Promote the master configs