Introduction & Setup


The building  plan approval process relates to the issue of permission for the construction of buildings based on specific set of rules and regulations. As per the relevant provisions of the State Municipality Acts, any person desirous of undertaking a construction activity (fresh construction as well as modifications to existing structures) is required to obtain prior sanction from the relevant local body before embarking on the same. The building plan approval is envisaged to facilitate quick processing and disposal of building plan permissions, standardization of building fee & other charges, automation of the technical scrutiny, effective monitoring of file processing. 

The document which authorizes the construction is called “Permit Order” One must have this permit order with him till the completion of construction. ULB officials  will inspect various stages of construction and make sure it is compliance to the plan . When construction completed ,after inspection Secretary provides “Completion certificate” and finally will provide “Occupancy Certificate”.  This entire process is known as “Building Plan Approval”.

Software Prerequisites

  • Install below version of software in local machine,

    • maven v3.2.x

    • PostgreSQL v9.6

    • Elastic Search v2.3.5

    • Jboss Wildfly v11.x

    • Git 2.8.3

    • JDK 8 update 112 or higher

  •  Read the below BPA document

 Development Environment Setup
    • Setup your BPA workspace by following the instructions provided in
    • Tech Stack used :
      • Hibernate
      • Spring
      • Postgres
      • Jquery
      • Struts 2.x
      • JSP
      • Jasper
      • Elastic search
      • Kibana Dashboard   

 Note: eGov recommends developers to use Ubuntu OS. Use the same version of the software mentioned in

Changes in the local machine for BPA workspace

  • BPA System needs state and ulb portal (more details will be explained in further documents about the portals). To enable these portals in files there will be two entries like below to access these portals from your local webserver. These two urls has to be mapped to your localhost in hosts file. '/etc/hosts' is the file path in Ubuntu.

DXF Files for testing

Sample users for BPA

  • When you set up the system locally, there are some sample data for employees, stakeholders, and configurations provided. For all the users the password is 'demo'
    • Architect : architect