PT Employee - Inbox & Application Details

Objective: To provide the employee with an functionality to search the created Applications.


Employee Inbox:

The employee inbox screen shows all the created application which are in workflow, and requires the action form that particular employee.

The employee has the ability to search any application based on Application no, Property Id, or mobile number, or he can apply filters, based on the business service (create , edit , or update), application status, locality , and application assigned specific to him.


By clicking on the /application no in inbox user goes to the application details page. where he can take action on the application to push it forward or backward in workflow.


Technical Details:

The file path for inbox can be found in:


API used:

The API used for searching the Inbox , is


The above API is used to fetch the Inbox results based on filters and search criteria.



Inbox Screen offers customization for the fields in inbox table. The fields inside inbox table are exposed in component registry service as in file :

It is exposed as PTInboxTableConfig key in component registry service, and can be redefined to reset the columns.

the function returns an object of following structure :-

{ PT: { inboxColumns: (props) => [ { Header: t("ES_INBOX_UNIQUE_PROPERTY_ID"), Cell: ({ row }) => { return ( <div> <span className="link"> <Link to={`${props.parentRoute}/application-details/` + row.original?.searchData?.["propertyId"]}> {row.original?.searchData?.["propertyId"]} </Link> </span> </div> ); }, }, ], searchColumns: (props) => [ { Header: t("ES_INBOX_UNIQUE_PROPERTY_ID"), accessor: "searchData.propertyId", Cell: ({ row }) => { return ( <div> <span className="link"> <Link to={`${props.parentRoute}/property-details/` + row.original?.searchData?.["propertyId"]}> {row.original?.searchData?.["propertyId"]} </Link> </span> </div> ); }, } ] }, }


the object.PT contains 2 keys inboxCloumns and searchColumns , which are yet again functions.

these functions are provided with props as an argument, which are props supplied to the component called DesktopInbox as can be seen in following file :-

inboxCloumns and searchColumns functions return an array of objects, each object represents a column.

The inboxCloumns is used for setting columns in inbox, while searchColumns is used for setting columns

every column has following properties :-

  1. Header is the head that is used in thead of the column (basically name of the column).

  2. accessor is . separated string value that specifies the path within each row to be followed in order to display the value of the column. The structure of row object is similar to row.original explained below.

  3. Cell is function returning a valid JSX, in case some complex component is needed to be rendered. The function is supplied an object with row property, each row containing property details , with row.original being the actual data for the property row which is of the form . The searchData contains search related result associated with property, while workflowData contains workflow related data associated with property

    { searchData : {...}, workflowData : {...} }


For further enquiry on how to set columns , you can checkout the link:-


Application Details Page:

This page is where the Employee visits after clicking on desired Application no, in inbox. The user can find a “take action” button at the bottom of screen, and can perform actions, based on the role the employee profile has and the state of application in workflow. He can also view the timeline in which he can see which employee made what update in workflow.

The employee can see details like owner details, address etc, along with the documents attached at the time of creation , and while action performing by any other employee in workflow. In case of mutation Application the employee can see transferer and transferee details.

While performing the action user can upload docs, comments for the next employee in workflow, or he can assign it to specific employee in the action resultant workflow.

If a particular workflow is completed then, the application is said to be completed and the status of property changes to ACTIVE .




Technical Details:

The code for the application details can be found in


APIs Called:

The application details page calls the following APIs.


the 1st API is called to fetch the timeline, through which the Process Instance has gone through.

The 2nd API is called to fetch address, owner-details, and document fileStoreId for all the documents associated with the property.

The 3rd API is called to get current performable actions based on current state of the process Instance, which are then filtered through according to actions performable by employee’s role.

The 4th API is called to fetch all the documents for the file store ids.


Role Actions:



Action Id



Action Id









