PT Employee - Edit Application Flow

Objective: To provide employee with the ability to Edit property Details (except Owner Details).


Edit Application:

The Edit form can be used to Update the details of an approved property, or whenever application is in a workflow state that allow/require employee to make changes.

All the updatable Input fields are enabled, and all the fields related to owner details are disabled.

After editing and clicking submit when the user successful the user is redirected to success screen similar to that in Employee Create.


Technical details:

The implementation of the Edit form can be found in :

The document details is implemented similar to the create application and uses the same MDMS configurations.


APIs Called:



** The Update API is supplied with updated property values from the form, and also all the units that were added at the time of creation are set with active : false , while the new units are set to be active : true

even if no change is made to the units.


Acknowledgement Screen:

If the Property Update is successful. then the employee is directed to this screen. Which shows Acknowledgement Id and option to download a pdf of the acknowledgement containing property details.


Role Actions:



Action Id



Action Id
