Application Permissions and Dependencies
Make sure the below-mentioned Permissions are Allowed or Accepted:
Internet Access
FileStore Read and Write
BlueTooth Connection
Request Packages
Query all packages
Code snippet
Steps to setup the Project
Download the flutter sdk 3.0.4 from for respective platform (Windows, Linux, Mac).
Install Android Studio for setting the IDE.
Open Android Studio, Open plugin preferences (File > Settings > Plugins) and select Marketplace, select the Flutter plugin and click Install as shown in below image and also click Yes when prompted to install the Dart plugin.
Set the Flutter SDK path in android studio by navigating to (File > Settings > Plugins > Language & Frameworks >>flutter) flutter as shown in below image.
Add the flutter path to the System path variable for running the flutter commands as shown in below image.
Open a new terminal and run the flutter doctor command, this will download the respective Dart sdk version, run flutter doctor --android-licenses to accept the android licenses.
Below steps will guide us to run the project in both Web and Mobile
1. Clone the project from Git repo.
2. Open the project in android studio by selecting (File > open), select the flutter project (punjab-mgramseva/frontend/mgramseva) from cloned path as shown in below.Replace the base Url with respective env Url.
File → app.config.dart_baseUrl: kIsWeb ? (window.location.origin ?? '') + "/" : const String.fromEnvironment('BASE_URL')
Running on Android Emulator
Navigate to the build.gradle file by using below mentioned path and modify thesigningConfigs.release
in the line number 70 as shown in below screenshot
Path : punjab-mgramseva → frontend → mgramseva → android → app → build.gradlebuild.gradle
Navigate to the below path and comment the line which is highlighted in below attached screenshot
Path : punjab-mgramseva → frontend → mgramseva → External Libraries → Dart Packages → js-0.6.3 → js.dart
Comment it by adding two forward slashes to the line
//export 'dart:js' show allowInterop, allowInteropCaptureThis;
Select the AVD manager from right side top corner as shown in image, from their select any device by tapping on play button, therefore android studio will the launch the emulator and device will be auto selected, two modes will be there for running the application play and debug, we can tap on any one of the mode, this will launch the mgramseva application in emulator as shown in image.
Steps to build the apk in different environments
flutter build apk --dart-define=BASE_URL=
flutter build apk --dart-define=BASE_URL=
flutter build apk --dart-define=BASE_URL=
flutter build appbundle --dart-define=BASE_URL=
Running on Web
Navigate to the below path and uncomment the lines from 307 to 315 which is highlighted in below attached screenshot
Path : punjab-mgramseva → frontend → mgramseva → web → index.html
Select the chrome option from device selection and tap on play button it will the launch the application on a chrome window.
Note : To resolve cors error follow the steps in this link.
Steps to build Prod App Bundle and IPA
Clone the Repo → git clone
Navigate to mgramseva Folder → cd punjab-mgramseva/frontend/mgramseva
.upgrading the version in the pubspec.yml ( version: 1.0.2+3)
1.0.2 => version name (which displayed in playstore)+3 => version code (increment by +1 every time)
Navigate to the below path and comment the line which is highlighted in below attached screenshot
Path : punjab-mgramseva → frontend → mgramseva → External Libraries → Dart Packages → js-0.6.3 → js.dartComment it by adding two forward slashes to the line
//export 'dart:js' show allowInterop, allowInteropCaptureThis;Executing flutter clean command → flutter clean
Execute the flutter pub get command. → flutter pub get
Navigate to the build.gradle file by using below mentioned path and modify the
in the line number 70 as shown in below screenshot
Path : punjab-mgramseva → frontend → mgramseva → android → app → build.gradleDownload the file from the below attachments
Add this properties file to the android app folder as shown in below image
android → key.propertiesDownload the google-service.json file from Firebase Console
Add this json file to the android app folder as shown in below image
android → app → google-services.jsonBelow are the steps to build the App bundle(Playstore) and IPA(AppStore).
App Bundle Creation
Build the prod app bundle using below commandflutter build appbundle --dart-define=BASE_URL=
Path → D:\mgramseva_prod\punjab-mgramseva\frontend\mgramseva\build\app\outputs\bundle\release\app-release.aabIPA Creation
1.Open the mgramseva IOS folder using xcode.
Path → punjab-mgramseva/frontend/mgramseva/ios
2.In Runner navigate to general tab, check the identity properties(Version, build, app name, build identifier).
3.Navigate to signing & capabilities tab, check whether provisioning profile is set properly or not.
4.From Xcode tool bar, select Product option, in that select Archive option it will generate the build and automatically deploy the build to App store connect (where can test and deploy the app to App store).
Note :
Kindly check the attached mGramseva release version sheet below which includes key-store, version tracker and also updated the version and release date in sheet.
Steps to build Web
Check the release version in Package.json whether it is sync with Mobile application or not.
Navigate to Jenkins frontend mgramseva builds.
Select build with parameter option and select the master branch from filter as shown in screenshot and tap on build button, it will take some time to build.
Once successfully build happen, copy the build id and share it with the implementation team, they will take care of Prod deployment.
Steps to Run the Integration Test in your Android Device :
1. Enable USB debugging option in your Mobile Phone. ( Reference Link )
2. Connect your Phone to the system and enable File transfer.
3. Select the AVD manager(your Phone) from right side top corner in Android Studio
4. Go to the frontend/mgramseva/utils/ file and run it.
5. Integration test will start on your device.