Finance-Collections-Voucher-Consumer Service
The objective of this service is to listen to the Kafka topics, validate the data based on the configuration and make the voucher API call to create the voucher in finance ERP and back update with the updated data. It also creates vouchers and instruments for the receipts collected through the collection service.
Prior Knowledge of Java/J2EE
Prior Knowledge of SpringBoot
Prior Knowledge of REST APIs and related concepts like path parameters, headers, JSON, etc
Prior Knowledge of Kafka and related concepts like Producer, Consumer, Topic, etc.
Key functionalities
Create vouchers and instruments for the receipts collected.
Listen to Kafka topics and validate the data.
Update the data in finance ERP.
Step 1: Start the service finance-collections-voucher-consumer present in the following repo:
DIGIT-OSS/business-services/finance-collections-voucher-consumer at master · egovernments/DIGIT-OSS
Step 2: Start the egov-mdms service present in the following repo:
core-services/egov-mdms-service at master · eGovStack/core-services
Mdms configurations
The business service and tax headmaster which are active in mdms json needs to be mapped with Finance related data.
The business service-related data is mapped with the finance-related data in git repo.
AccountheadMapping.json : This is used to map the taxhead data to glcodes. This holds one more property InstrumentGLcodeMapping, which is used to hold the mapping for transaction type i.e Cash/Cheque/DD to glcodes.
BusinessServiceMapping.json : This is used to map the business service to finance specific master data like Department, Fund and Function, etc. even it can manage to enable and disable the voucher creation for specific service by setting the property voucherCreationEnabled=true/false.
EgfInstrumentStatusMapping: This holds the status of Instruments.
Configurable Properties
Following are the properties in file in egov-user-events service which are configurable.
Property | Value | Remarks | | egov.collection.receipt-create | The topic which will be listened only for collection version v1 to process further to create the voucher. |
egov.collection.receipt.voucher.cancel.topic | egov.collection.receipt-cancel | The topic which will be listened only for collection version v1 to cancel the voucher |
kafka.topics.egf.instrument.completed.topic | egov.egf.instrument.completed | This will be listened to trace the activity of instrument updation. If Instrument will get dishonor then it will try to create the dishonor voucher. |
egov.collection.payment-create | The topic which will be listened when the data will get published from collection version -2 to create the voucher | |
egov.collection.payment-cancel | The topic which will be listened when the data will get published from collection version -2 to cancel the voucher | |
egov.collection.payment-update | The topic which will be listened when the data will get published from collection version -2 to cancel the voucher | |
dev/qa/uat | This is used to form the dynamic url for finance erp call.For Dev/QA/UAT env value will be dev/qa/uat. for production keep it blank. | |
Keep the domain name of the running server. Example : if name is mSeva - Portal for availing Urban Municipal Services Online - Department of Local Government Punjab Then keep the value
| ||
token.authorizaton.key | Basic baicAuthKey | Pass the Basic authorization key to generate the Admin Token for SIFINANCE user. | | Pass the host url where egov-user service is running | | |
Pass the host url where egov-mdms service is running | | |
Pass the host url where egf-instrument service is running | | |
Pass the host url where collections service is running | | | Pass the host url where business services are running | |
si.microservice.user |
| Keep the System Finance Username |
si.microservice.password |
Keep System Finance Password |
This service is implemented to listen to the specific kafka topic, fetch the data and perform the activity like create voucher, cancel voucher or reversal voucher for dishonoring.
Create Voucher:
Once the collection-service will generate collection/payment,it will push the data to egov.collection.receipt-create/egov.collection.payment-create topic.
Listener will be listening to the topic egov.collection.receipt-create/egov.collection.payment-create.
Making mdms call based on the services to get the configuration data and validate i.e whether voucher creation is enable for the service or not. If voucher creation is enabled then perform the following
Prepare the voucher contract like master data i.e Dept,Fund, Function etc.
Prepare the account specific data i.e glocode, amount etc.
Then making a rest call to create a voucher to finance erp.
Once the voucher is created successfully then it will prepare the instrument contract by adding the voucher reference, instrument type, status etc and will make a call to create the instrument.
Once the instrument is created later it will make the call to collection receipt update api to back update the receipt by adding the voucher reference in contract.
And finally it will store the logs i.e fetched data, status, message to log table egf_voucher_integration_log.
If anywhere any exception occurred then error will get handled by Exception Handler. Exception Handler will store the fetched data and the error cause to log table egf_voucher_integration_log.
Cancel Voucher:
Once collection service will cancel the payment/collections, it will push the data to egov.collection.payment-cancel/egov.collection.receipt-cancel
Listener will be listening to the topicegov.collection.payment-cancel/egov.collection.receipt-cancel.
Making mdms call based on the services to get the configuration data and validate i.e whether voucher creation is enable for the service or not. If voucher creation is enabled then perform the following.
Try to fetch the voucher based on voucher number(which might be present inside the receipt contract) and business service reference document.
If Voucher will be present inside the finance erp then it will make a call to cancel the voucher.
Later it will cancel the corresponding instrument.
And keep the log inside the table egf_voucher_integration_log.
Interaction Diagram
Deployment details
Add mdms configs required for Finance Collection Voucher Consumer service and restart mdms service.
Deploy the latest version of Finance Collection Voucher Consumer service.
Add Finance Collection Voucher Consumer service persister yaml path in persister configuration and restart persister service
Add Role-Action mapping for API’s.
Can perform service-specific business logic without impacting the other module.
In the future, if we want to expose the application to citizen then it can be done easily.
Workflow or Service-specific workflow can be enabled at the service level at any time without changing the design.