Integration with MDMS service

Integration with MDMS service

a. Integration with MDMS - Integration with MDMS requires the following steps to be followed:

i) Add a new MDMS file in MDMS repo. For this guide, a sample MDMS file has already been added which can be found here - https://github.com/egovernments/egov-mdms-data/blob/DEV/data/pb/DIGIT-DEVELOPER-TUTORIAL/VtrCharges.json

ii) Restart MDMS service after adding the new file.

iii) Once restarted, hit the curl mentioned below to verify that the new file has been properly added -

curl --location --request POST 'https://dev.digit.org/egov-mdms-service/v1/_search' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "apiId": "asset-services", "ver": null, "ts": null, "action": null, "did": null, "key": null, "msgId": "search with from and to values", "authToken": "{{devAuth}}" }, "MdmsCriteria": { "tenantId": "pb", "moduleDetails": [ { "moduleName": "VTR", "masterDetails": [ { "name": "RegistrationCharges" } ] } ] } }'

iv) Once verified, we can call mdms service from within our application and fetch the required master data. For this, create a java class by the name of MdmsUtil under utils folder. Annotate this class with @Component and put the following content in the class -

@Autowired private RestTemplate restTemplate; @Value("${egov.mdms.host}") private String mdmsHost; @Value("${egov.mdms.search.endpoint}") private String mdmsUrl; public Integer fetchRegistrationChargesFromMdms(RequestInfo requestInfo, String tenantId) { StringBuilder uri = new StringBuilder(); uri.append(mdmsHost).append(mdmsUrl); MdmsCriteriaReq mdmsCriteriaReq = getMdmsRequestForCategoryList(requestInfo, tenantId); Object response = new HashMap<>(); Integer rate = 0; try { response = restTemplate.postForObject(uri.toString(), mdmsCriteriaReq, Map.class); rate = JsonPath.read(response, "$.MdmsRes.VTR.RegistrationCharges.[0].amount"); }catch(Exception e) { log.error("Exception occurred while fetching category lists from mdms: ",e); } return rate; } private MdmsCriteriaReq getMdmsRequestForCategoryList(RequestInfo requestInfo, String tenantId) { MasterDetail masterDetail = new MasterDetail(); masterDetail.setName("RegistrationCharges"); List<MasterDetail> masterDetailList = new ArrayList<>(); masterDetailList.add(masterDetail); ModuleDetail moduleDetail = new ModuleDetail(); moduleDetail.setMasterDetails(masterDetailList); moduleDetail.setModuleName("VTR"); List<ModuleDetail> moduleDetailList = new ArrayList<>(); moduleDetailList.add(moduleDetail); MdmsCriteria mdmsCriteria = new MdmsCriteria(); mdmsCriteria.setTenantId(tenantId.split("\\.")[0]); mdmsCriteria.setModuleDetails(moduleDetailList); MdmsCriteriaReq mdmsCriteriaReq = new MdmsCriteriaReq(); mdmsCriteriaReq.setMdmsCriteria(mdmsCriteria); mdmsCriteriaReq.setRequestInfo(requestInfo); return mdmsCriteriaReq; }

v) Add the following properties in application.properties file -

#mdms urls egov.mdms.host=https://dev.digit.org egov.mdms.search.endpoint=/egov-mdms-service/v1/_search

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