Integrating with User service
Integrating with User service
c. Integration with User service - Integration with user service requires the following steps -
i) Create a new class under utils by the name of UserUtil
and update the User
POJO to have the following content -
public class User {
private Long id = null;
private String uuid = null;
private String userName = null;
private String password = null;
private String salutation = null;
private String name = null;
private String gender = null;
private String mobileNumber = null;
private String emailId = null;
private String altContactNumber = null;
private String pan = null;
private String aadhaarNumber = null;
private String permanentAddress = null;
private String permanentCity = null;
private String permanentPincode = null;
private String correspondenceCity = null;
private String correspondencePincode = null;
private String correspondenceAddress = null;
private Boolean active = null;
private String locale = null;
private String type = null;
private String signature = null;
private Boolean accountLocked = null;
private List<Role> roles = null;
private String fatherOrHusbandName = null;
private String bloodGroup = null;
private String identificationMark = null;
private String photo = null;
private Long createdBy = null;
private Long lastModifiedBy = null;
private String otpReference = null;
private String tenantId = null;
public User addRolesItem(Role rolesItem) {
if (this.roles == null) {
this.roles = new ArrayList<>();
return this;
ii) Annotate the created UserUtil
class with @Component
and add the following code in the created class -
public class UserUtil {
private ObjectMapper mapper;
private ServiceRequestRepository serviceRequestRepository;
private VTRConfiguration config;
public UserUtil(ObjectMapper mapper, ServiceRequestRepository serviceRequestRepository, VTRConfiguration config) {
this.mapper = mapper;
this.serviceRequestRepository = serviceRequestRepository;
this.config = config;
* Returns UserDetailResponse by calling user service with given uri and object
* @param userRequest Request object for user service
* @param uri The address of the endpoint
* @return Response from user service as parsed as userDetailResponse
public UserDetailResponse userCall(Object userRequest, StringBuilder uri) {
String dobFormat = null;
if(uri.toString().contains(config.getUserSearchEndpoint()) || uri.toString().contains(config.getUserUpdateEndpoint()))
else if(uri.toString().contains(config.getUserCreateEndpoint()))
dobFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy";
LinkedHashMap responseMap = (LinkedHashMap)serviceRequestRepository.fetchResult(uri, userRequest);
UserDetailResponse userDetailResponse = mapper.convertValue(responseMap,UserDetailResponse.class);
return userDetailResponse;
catch(IllegalArgumentException e)
throw new CustomException("IllegalArgumentException","ObjectMapper not able to convertValue in userCall");
* Parses date formats to long for all users in responseMap
* @param responeMap LinkedHashMap got from user api response
public void parseResponse(LinkedHashMap responeMap, String dobFormat){
List<LinkedHashMap> users = (List<LinkedHashMap>)responeMap.get("user");
String format1 = "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss";
users.forEach( map -> {
* Converts date to long
* @param date date to be parsed
* @param format Format of the date
* @return Long value of date
private Long dateTolong(String date,String format){
SimpleDateFormat f = new SimpleDateFormat(format);
Date d = null;
try {
d = f.parse(date);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new CustomException("INVALID_DATE_FORMAT","Failed to parse date format in user");
return d.getTime();
* enriches the userInfo with statelevel tenantId and other fields
* @param mobileNumber
* @param tenantId
* @param userInfo
public void addUserDefaultFields(String mobileNumber,String tenantId, User userInfo){
Role role = getCitizenRole(tenantId);
* Returns role object for citizen
* @param tenantId
* @return
private Role getCitizenRole(String tenantId){
Role role = new Role();
return role;
public String getStateLevelTenant(String tenantId){
return tenantId.split("\\.")[0];
iii) Create the following POJOs -
public class CreateUserRequest {
private RequestInfo requestInfo;
private User user;
public class UserSearchRequest {
private RequestInfo requestInfo;
private List<String> uuid;
private List<String> id;
private String userName;
private String name;
private String mobileNumber;
private String aadhaarNumber;
private String pan;
private String emailId;
private boolean fuzzyLogic;
private Boolean active;
private String tenantId;
private int pageSize;
private int pageNumber = 0;
private List<String> sort = Collections.singletonList("name");
private String userType;
private List<String> roleCodes;
public class UserDetailResponse {
ResponseInfo responseInfo;
List<User> user;
v) Create a class by the name of UserService
under service
folder and add the following content to it -
vi) Add the following properties in application.properties file -