Integration with URL Shortener

Integration with URL Shortener

d) Integration with URL Shortener - Integration with URL shortener requires the following steps -

i) Create a new class by the name of UrlShortnerUtil

ii) Annotate this class with @Component and add the following code -

@Autowired private RestTemplate restTemplate; @Autowired private VTRConfiguration config; public String getShortenedUrl(String url){ HashMap<String,String> body = new HashMap<>(); body.put("url",url); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(config.getUrlShortnerHost()); builder.append(config.getUrlShortnerEndpoint()); String res = restTemplate.postForObject(builder.toString(), body, String.class); if(StringUtils.isEmpty(res)){ log.error("URL_SHORTENING_ERROR", "Unable to shorten url: " + url); ; return url; } else return res; }

iii) Add the following properties in application.properties file -

#url shortner egov.url.shortner.host=https://dev.digit.org egov.url.shortner.endpoint=/egov-url-shortening/shortener

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