Vehicle Registry v1.2.1

Vehicle Registry v1.2.1


Vehicle Registry is a system that enables ULB Employees to create and search Vehicle Entities and schedule Vehicle Trip for FSM Application and track the VehicleTrip. This document contains the details about new enhancements made to the Vehicle service as part of FSM v1.1 release and how to setup the Vehicle and describe the functionalities provided.



Before you proceed with the configuration, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -

  • Java 8

  • Kafka server is up and running

  • egov-persister service is running and has vehicle-persister config path added in it

  • PSQL server is running and database is created to store FSM Application data

  • Following services should be up and running:

    • egov-perister

    • egov-mdms-service

    • egov-workflow-v2

    • egov-idgen

Key Functionalities

  1. DSO or ULB can create multiple vehicle trips based on the number of trips entered while submitting the FSM application.

  2. FSTPO can decline the vehicle trip with appropriate reason.

  3. Owner attribute has been added to the vehicle

  4. FSTPO Vehicle Log Inbox Enhancements to include Application No search filter so that FSTPO can view all the vehicle trips associated with the application.

  5. FSPTO vehicle log API upgraded to show trip numbers in case of multi-trip application

Deployment Details

  1. Deploy the latest version of vehicle

  2. Add vehicle-persister.yml file in config folder in git and add that path in persister . (The file path is to be added in environment yaml file in param called persist-yml-path ) and restart egov-persister-service.

  3. Integrate the following below changes in vehicle-persister.yml


  4. https://github.com/egovernments/configs/pull/2238/files

  5. https://github.com/egovernments/configs/pull/2240/files

Configuration Details


MDMS Configuration

Add master data in MDMS service with module name as Vehicle and restart egov-mdms-service. Following is some sample master data for


{ "tenantId": "pb", "moduleName": "Vehicle", "SuctionType": [ { "code": "SEWER_SUCTION_MACHINE", "name": "Sewer suction machine", "active": true }, { "code": "SEWER_SUCTION_CUM_JETTING_MACHINE", "name": "Sewer suction cum jetting machine", "active": true } ] }



{ "tenantId": "pb", "moduleName": "Vehicle", "VehicleOwner": [{ "name": "ULB", "code": "ULB", "active": true }, { "name": "Private", "code": "Private", "active": true } ] }



{ "tenantId": "pb", "moduleName": "Vehicle", "VehicleMakeModel": [ { "code": "MAHINDRA", "name": "Mahindra", "active": true }, { "code": "MAHINDRA.BOLERO_PICKUP", "name": "Bolero Pickup", "active": true, "make": "MAHINDRA", "capacity": "5000", "amount": "500" }, { "code": "TATA", "name": "TATA", "active": true }, { "code": "TATA.LPT709/34", "name": "TATA LPT709/34", "active": true, "make": "TATA", "capacity": "2000", "amount": "200" }, { "code": "TATA.407", "name": "TATA 407", "active": true, "make": "TATA", "capacity": "1000", "amount": "100" }, { "code": "TAFE", "name": "TAFE", "active": true }, { "code": "TAFE.TRACTOR_45DI", "name": "TAFE Tractor 45DI", "active": true, "make": "TAFE", "capacity": "10000", "amount": "1000" }, { "code": "SONALIKA", "name": "Sonalika", "active": true }, { "code": "SONALIKA.TRACTOR_35DI", "name": "Sonalika Tractor 35DI", "active": true, "make": "SONALIKA", "capacity": "8000", "amount": "1000" } ] }

FSTPORejectionReason (Vehicle decline reason codes)

Business Service / Workflow Configuration

Workflow configuration for VehicleTrip of FSM

Actions & Role Action Mapping


Role Action Mapping


Infra Ops Configuration

Configurations that we can manage through values.yml vehicle in infraops repo as follows
values.yml for vehicle can be found


name in values.yml

Current Value


name in values.yml

Current Value

id-gen host, to generate the application number


egov-idgen from egov-service-host

mdms service host


egov-mdms-service from egov-service-host

workflow v2 service host


egov-workflow-v2 from egov-service-host

user service host, to get the locale data


egov-user from egov-service-host

Kafka Consumer Group



kafka topic to which service push data to save new vehicle application



kafka topic to which service push data of the vehicleTrip to save



kafka topic to which service push data of the vehicleTrip to update



kafka topic to which service push data of the vehicleTrip to update the status



VehicleTrip Appilcatiion Number format`



Configurations sample in Values.yml


Data Setup

Create Vehicle

Create Vehicle with the one of the vehicleType available in the VehicleMakeModel MDMS


Sample Curl



Integration Scope

Integrated with Application through REST API to create, and search vehicles.

For any module where vehicle Trip is required, can integrate REST API trip/v1/create, update, search

Integration Benefits

  • Vehicle Managed would become easy

  • Trip Management would become easy

Steps to Integration

  • FSM Application can vehicle/v1/_search to validate the fsm vehicle assignment

  • FSM Application call vehicle/trip/v1/_create on assigning vehicle to the Application

  • FSTP operator can mark the vehicleTrip as DISPOED.

Interaction Diagram


Reference Docs

Doc Links

API List



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