FSM V1.4 SMS Templates for FSM

FSM V1.4 SMS Templates for FSM

  • Sample of SMS present in FSM product :



Localization key

localization message



Employee creates an application


Dear citizen, your application for cleaning septic tank/pit is created with application reference no {2}. You will be notified when an operator is assigned to a request. Request is expected to be completed within {SLA_HOURS}hrs. Thank You. EGOVS.

Dear citizen, your application for cleaning septic tank/pit is created with application reference no FSM-AND-2023-07-27-003405. You will be notified when an operator is assigned to a request. Request is expected to be completed within 48hrs. Thank You. EGOVS.


Citizen creates an application


Dear citizen, your application for cleaning septic tank/pit is created with application reference no {2}. You will be notified when an operator is assigned to a request. Request is expected to be completed within {SLA_HOURS}hrs. Thank You. Govt. of Odisha.

Dear citizen, your application for cleaning septic tank/pit is created with application reference no FSM-AND-2023-07-27-003406. You will be notified when an operator is assigned to a request. Request is expected to be completed within 48hrs. Thank You. Govt. of Odisha.


At the time of assign vehicle


Dear citizen, Vehicle {VEHICLE_REG_NO} will be reaching your location to clean the septic tank/pit on {POSSIBLE_SERVICE_DATE} with reference to your application number {2}. You can contact the operator in +91 {DSO_MOBILE_NUMBER} Thank You. Govt. of Odisha

Dear citizen, Vehicle OD09J7874 will be reaching your location to clean the septic tank/pit on 27-07-2023 with reference to your application number FSM-AND-2023-07-27-003406. You can contact the operator in +91 9988998898 Thank You. Govt. of Odisha


Updating no of trips


Dear citizen, your application for cleaning septic tank /pit with application number {2} is updated and the operator has entered the number of trips: {NO_OF_TRIPS}. Please click this link {PAY_LINK} to pay the amount of Rs {AMOUNT_TO_BE_PAID} towards cleaning of your septic tank/pit. Thank You. EGOVS

Dear citizen, your application for cleaning septic tank /pit with application number FSM-AND-2023-07-27-003406 is updated and the operator has entered the number of trips: 2. Please click this link https://sujog-dev.odisha.gov.in/egov-url-shortening/Q56N2npkX6OKAJ4l to pay the amount of Rs 2000.0 towards cleaning of your septic tank/pit. Thank You. EGOVS


Collect payment


Dear citizen, amount of Rs.{AMOUNT_TO_BE_PAID}/- is received towards the payment of cleaning septic tank /pit for reference no. {RECEIPT_NO}. Please click this link {RECEIPT_LINK} to download the receipt. Thank You. Govt. of Odisha

Dear citizen, amount of Rs.2000.0/- is received towards the payment of cleaning septic tank /pit for reference no. 07/2023-24/009469. Please click this link https://sujog-dev.odisha.gov.in/egov-url-shortening/eRX3JK18bW0BAalM to download the receipt. Thank You. Govt. of Odisha


Complete Request


Dear citizen, your request for cleaning septic tank/pit is completed. Please take some time to rate us using the link {FSM_APPL_LINK}. Thank You. Govt. of Odisha

Dear citizen, your request for cleaning septic tank/pit is completed. Please take some time to rate us using the link https://sujog-dev.odisha.gov.in/egov-url-shortening/5oyNDr9LJRmnMY6P. Thank You. Govt. of Odisha


Cancel Request by ULB


Dear citizen, your request for cleaning the septic tank/pit is cancelled with the reason {FSM_CANCEL_REASON}. Please use this link {NEW_FSM_LINK} to create a new request if needed. Thank You. Govt. of Odisha

Dear citizen, your request for cleaning the septic tank/pit is cancelled with the reason CITIZEN_DENIED_REQUEST. Please use this link https://sujog-dev.odisha.gov.in/egov-url-shortening/d0mgXKeAE8XKLxvb to create a new request if needed. Thank You. Govt. of Odisha


Decline Request after assinging dso


Dear citizen, your request for cleaning the septic tank/pit is rejected with the reason {FSM_DSO_REJECT_REASON}. Please use this link {NEW_FSM_LINK} to create a new request if needed. Thank You. Govt. of Odisha

Dear citizen, your request for cleaning the septic tank/pit is rejected with the reason Vehicle is under repair. Please use this link https://sujog-dev.odisha.gov.in/egov-url-shortening/LM7ROBzx9dOnAXd0 to create a new request if needed. Thank You. Govt. of Odisha


Submit Vehicle Trip


Dear citizen, your application for cleaning septic tank /pit with application number {2} is updated and the operator has entered the number of trips: {NO_OF_TRIPS}. Please click this link {PAY_LINK} to pay the amount of Rs {AMOUNT_TO_BE_PAID} towards cleaning of your septic tank/pit. Thank You. EGOVS

Dear citizen, your application for cleaning septic tank /pit with application number FSM-AND-2023-07-27-003408 is updated and the operator has entered the number of trips: 1. Please click this link https://sujog-dev.odisha.gov.in/egov-url-shortening/az21kn2R95Gnpwb4 to pay the amount of Rs 1000.0 towards cleaning of your septic tank/pit. Thank You. EGOVS


After updating trips first time and generating payment


Dear citizen, Your application reference number for cleaning septic tank/pit is {2}. You have opted to pay an advance amount of Rs.{AMOUNT_TO_BE_PAID}/-. Please click this link {PAY_LINK} to make the payment. You will be notified when an operator is assigned. Thank you for contacting us. EGOVS

Dear citizen, Your application reference number for cleaning septic tank/pit is 107-FSM-2023-02-15-006749. You have opted to pay an advance amount of Rs.100/-. Please click this link https://qa.digit.org/egov-url-shortening/p8Lvp0 to make the payment. You will be notified when an operator is assigned. Thank you for contacting us. EGOVS

  • The above SMS needs to be registered with specific TEMPLATE ID(Eg.'1407169140018862465') for each Localization key from the state Government/Client on their respective SMS portals.

  • Append the TEMPLATE ID at the end of message. Example.

    { "code": "FSM_SMS_DSO_INPROGRESS_PAY", "message": "Dear citizen, amount of Rs.{AMOUNT_TO_BE_PAID}/- is received towards the payment of cleaning septic tank/pit for reference no. {RECEIPT_NO}. Please click this link {RECEIPT_LINK} to download the receipt.Thank You. Govt. of Punjab|1301157492438182299|1407169140018862465", "module": "rainmaker-fsm", "locale": "en_IN" }
  • Push the sms templates in Localisation.

    SMS related to OTP:

{ "code": "sms.login.otp.msg", "message": "Dear Citizen, Your Login OTP is %s. Thank You. Govt. of Punjab|1301157492438182299|1407169156622167544", "module": "egov-user", "locale": "en_IN" }, { "code": "sms.pwd.reset.otp.msg", "message": "Dear Citizen, Your OTP for recovering password is %s. Thank You. Govt. of Punjab|1301157492438182299|1407169156626870208", "module": "egov-user", "locale": "en_IN" }, { "code": "sms.register.otp.msg", "message": "Dear Citizen, Your OTP to complete your Registration is %s. Thank You. Govt. of Punjab|1301157492438182299|1407169156632042484", "module": "egov-user", "locale": "en_IN" }

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