FSM V1.4 URC Release Notes

  • Urban-rural convergence is an initiative that aims to ensure access of sanitation services to all Gram Panchayats(GPs) via Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) located closest to them.

  • As a ULB employee, They are creating applications to cater the sanitation needs of local communities in Urban areas. The same way they should also cater the same sanitation needs to rural bodies which are nearby to that urban region.

  • They need a provision into a system while creating a new application  to either choose local municipalities or urban supported villages.

  • Based on their choice they would be able to select either locality/mohalla  or Gram Panchayat(GP) area from the respective master data drop down list.

  • The caveat here is if an ULB employee chooses GP then the trip amount field should be an editable field where he/she can fill any logical amount based on their own offline calculation instead of auto calculated amount that is already there in an application in case of Urban bodies.

  • ULB employees or DSO Operation should also be able to edit the no. of trips and the final amount should be multiple  of the initial amount entered into an application with no. of trips.

Logical Data Flow

UI/UX Wireframe

Technical Components & Design

  • Need to update mdms data: boundary-data.json

    • Need to add a new children hierarchy for GP under City which will be parallel to Locality. A sample MDMS is attached below in this document.

  • By Default “Urban” option will be pre-selected in the radio button in the above wireframe and the drop-down will have the locality/mohalla master data. In case if employee selects “ULB supported village” then the locality/mohalla dropdown will be replaced by GPs and Village drop-down data on the fly.

  • System will use the below URL to fetch the localities or GPs and their corresponding villages.

  • Introduction of a new string column (boundary_type) in the FSM_APPLICATION table to capture (Locality or GP) to determine if the application created is for RURAL or not so that in the near future it will be helpful for the analytics and statistics in Dashboards.

    • Default value for this column will be Locality to support backward compatibility

  • Add Vehicle log would also have the option to select Urban (Default option) or Rural. If Rural gets selected the text name of an element would be replaced from “Locality” to “Gram Panchayat” for a text field.

  • Introduction of a new column of string type (boundary_type) in vehicle_trip table to capture if the vehicle log is created for GP or not.

    • Default value for this column will be Locality to support backward compatibility.


Sample MDMS


{ "tenantId": "pb.amritsar", "moduleName": "egov-location", "TenantBoundary": [{ "hierarchyType": { "code": "REVENUE", "name": "REVENUE" }, "boundary": { "id": 1, "boundaryNum": 1, "name": "Angul", "localname": "Angul", "longitude": null, "latitude": null, "label": "City", "code": "od.angul", "children": [{ "id": "2", "boundaryNum": 1, "name": "Baniabahal", "localname": "Baniabahal", "longitude": null, "latitude": null, "label": "Locality", "code": "VIL1" }, { "id": "3", "boundaryNum": 1, "name": "Hulurisinga", "localname": "Hulurisinga", "longitude": null, "latitude": null, "label": "Locality", "code": "VIL2" }, { "id": "4", "boundaryNum": 1, "name": "Angul town", "localname": "Angul town", "longitude": null, "latitude": null, "label": "Locality", "code": "VIL3" }, { "id": "5", "boundaryNum": 1, "name": "Other", "localname": "Other", "longitude": null, "latitude": null, "label": "Locality", "code": "VIL4" }, { "id": 6, "boundaryNum": 1, "name": "GP 1", "localname": "GP1", "longitude": null, "latitude": null, "label": "GP", "code": "GP1", "children": [{ "id": 11, "boundaryNum": 1, "name": "Village 1", "localname": "Village local 1", "longitude": 74.871552, "latitude": 31.63089, "label": "Village", "code": "SUN04", "pincode": [143001], "area": "V-Area1", "children": [] }, { "id": 12, "boundaryNum": 1, "name": "Village 2", "localname": "Village local 2", "longitude": null, "latitude": null, "label": "Village", "code": "SUN11", "pincode": [143001], "area": "V-Area1", "children": [] } ] }, { "id": 8, "boundaryNum": 1, "name": "GP 2", "localname": "GP2", "longitude": null, "latitude": null, "label": "GP", "code": "GP2", "children": [{ "id": 13, "boundaryNum": 1, "name": "Village 3", "localname": "Village local 3", "longitude": 74.871552, "latitude": 31.63089, "label": "Village", "code": "SUN04", "pincode": [143001], "area": "V-Area1", "children": [] }, { "id": 14, "boundaryNum": 1, "name": "Village 4", "localname": "Village local 4", "longitude": null, "latitude": null, "label": "Village", "code": "SUN11", "pincode": [143001], "area": "V-Area1", "children": [] } ] } ] } }, { "hierarchyType": { "code": "ADMIN", "name": "ADMIN" }, "boundary": { "id": 1, "boundaryNum": 1, "name": "Angul", "localname": "Angul", "longitude": null, "latitude": null, "label": "City", "code": "od.angul", "children": [{ "id": "2", "boundaryNum": 1, "name": "Baniabahal", "localname": "Baniabahal", "longitude": null, "latitude": null, "label": "Locality", "code": "VIL1" }, { "id": "3", "boundaryNum": 1, "name": "Hulurisinga", "localname": "Hulurisinga", "longitude": null, "latitude": null, "label": "Locality", "code": "VIL2" }, { "id": "4", "boundaryNum": 1, "name": "Angul town", "localname": "Angul town", "longitude": null, "latitude": null, "label": "Locality", "code": "VIL3" } ] } } ] }


To enable URC feature in UI

{ "tenantId": "pg.angul", "moduleName": "FSM", "urcConfig": [{ "URCEnable": true, "villageHierarchyAvailable": true } ] }
{ "ResponseInfo": { "apiId": "org.egov.boundary", "ver": null, "ts": "", "resMsgId": "uief87324", "msgId": null, "status": "200 OK" }, "TenantBoundary": [ { "hierarchyType": { "id": null, "name": "REVENUE", "code": "REVENUE", "localName": null, "tenantId": null, "createdBy": null, "createdDate": null, "lastModifiedBy": null, "lastModifiedDate": null, "version": 0, "new": false }, "boundary": [ { "code": "VIL1", "name": "Baniabahal", "label": "Locality", "latitude": null, "longitude": null, "area": null, "pincode": null, "boundaryNum": 1, "children": [] }, { "code": "VIL2", "name": "Hulurisinga", "label": "Locality", "latitude": null, "longitude": null, "area": null, "pincode": null, "boundaryNum": 1, "children": [] }, { "code": "VIL3", "name": "Angul town", "label": "Locality", "latitude": null, "longitude": null, "area": null, "pincode": null, "boundaryNum": 1, "children": [] }, { "code": "VIL4", "name": "Other", "label": "Locality", "latitude": null, "longitude": null, "area": null, "pincode": null, "boundaryNum": 1, "children": [] } ], "tenantId": "pb.amritsar" } ] }


DB Details

Table Name

Column Name




to capture (Locality or GP) in order to determine if the application created is for RURAL or not based on the radio button selection



To store the selected GP while creating an application.



To store the selected village while creating an application.



to capture (Locality or GP) if the vehicle log is created for GP or not.

Functional Impact

To analyze the impact, we deployed a different module(property tax) which is also pointing to same boundary-data mdms.


For FSM Module:
Non-URC flow : Locality dropdown should show all the localities as it is. [There should be no impact]
URC flow : GramPanchayat and Village dropdown should show as per new GP and village added to the MDMS.

For Property Tax Module:
Locality dropdown should show all the localities as it is. [There should be no impact]


Property Tax Screen

The locality dropdown in Property tax is displaying the values from existing location hierarchy itself. NO IMPACT.



In FSM, for non-URC the locality dropdown is showing values from the existing hierarchy itself. [NO IMPACT]



  • GP Dropdown
    In case of FSM(URC), the grampanchayat and village dropdown are showing values from the new hierarchy we have configured in the existing mdms.


  • Village Dropdown


  • Pricing

    • Pricing per trip will be entered by “ULB employees” for each request

    • ULB employee will have a free text entry field to enter price for a request.


In FSTP,there are two scenerios -

  1. Selects a Gram panchayat from drop down but village is not in the list. In this case, Selects other in village and a free text field appears.

  2. Selects 'other' in GP list. In this case, 2 free text fields appear - one for GP and one for Village.

If the locality or GP is located outside the city,then select “Outside ULB Limits” and provide Locality / Grama Panchayat name in text field.



Dashboard - URC Charts :


In the dashboard, add the following chart:

  1. Add pie chart: Applications by Source

    1. Pie Chart Value: Ratio of Applications from GP: Ratio of requests from Urban Areas

    2. Add toggle for Applications and Sludge

    3. Pie Chart Value: Ratio of Sludge Disposed from GP: Ratio of Sludge from Urban Areas

    4. Tooltip: Show Total Applications and Total Sludge (See design). Tooltip value to be responsive to toggle between Unit, Lac and Crore

    5. Chart should filter basis time period, district, ulb (dashboard filters)

    6. Chart should have export, share and download options.


  2. Add Bar chart: No. of applications per month from Gram Panchayat

    1. Bar Chat Value: Total Number of applications from Gram Panchayat

    2. Add toggle for Applications and Sludge Disposed

    3. Tooltip: Show Total Applications and Total Sludge (See design). Tooltip value to be responsive to toggle between Unit, Lac and Crore

    4. Chart should filter basis time period, district, ulb (dashboard filters)

    5. Chart should have export, share and download options.


