eDCR Service


This document mainly covers all the steps that one needs to do for setting up a new instance of eDCR (Development Control Regulations). Say when a new State is to be set up, there are some activities to be executed in a defined order. Setting up an instance of an application server and configuring customer-specific rules, and data, etc are a few of the key activities.


  • eDcr service set up done.

  • Centralized Server hosting all the ULBs within a state

  • All ULBs access the software over the browser or over API call.

  • Uniform code base supporting all the ULBs for the state. City-specific changes are maintained using client-specific implementation repositories.

  • A separate schema for each ULB in the database.

Configurations and Setup

How to set up a client implementation repository

  1. Branch out and create a edcr implementation repository from https://github.com/egovernments/eGov-dcr-service master repository. Refer https://github.com/egovernments/egov-dcr-client for the client implementation setup has been done.

  2. After creating a client implementation repository, If you want to override rules processing for features, then create a project under egov directory like egov-client-impl.

How to override rule processing across the state, district, ULB, and grade wise for a feature

The client-specific rules are configurable in the individual client implementation module. Here the rules are fetched by state wise, district wise, ULB wise, or grade-wise. The EG_CITY table, master data used to decide these values. Eg: https://github.com/egovernments/egov-dcr-client/blob/master/egov/egov-client-impl/src/main/java/org/egov/client/edcr/Far_Client.java Here filename to be add as Far_Assam.java for assam state rules.


How to Setup New State and ULB’s

  1. The state is configured by adding property tenant.{domain_name}=schema_name (state_name) in egov-erp-override.properties.

  2. Each new ULB is enabled by adding a schema name and domain name in egov-erp-override.properties file(Available in Wildfly server under ${HOME_DIR}/wildfly-11.0.0.Final/modules/system/layers/base/org/egov/settings/main/config). Schema names should follow a naming standard, It should be the same as that of the city name.

  3. Each ULB can be configured by adding an entry like tenant.{domain_name}=schema_name (city_name) in egov-erp-override.properties file.

  4. Insert data into eg_city, in the city table domain URL value should be the same as configured tenant domain_name in the egov-erp-override.properties.


The following API’s are used in the integration of eDCR system-

Scrutinize Plan API

Purpose: This API will scrutinize the building plan drawing(.dxf) file send along and gives the plan scrutiny result as response along with a unique eDCR number on successful processing.

Fetch scrutinized plan details API

Purpose: This API is used to fetch the details of the plan that is already scrutinized in the system by providing a transaction number or a eDCR number.

Extract Plan API

Purpose: This API will extract the building plan drawing(.dxf) file send along and gives the extracted data.

Refer API contracts https://github.com/egovernments/digit-bpa/blob/master/egov/egov-edcr/dcrasservice.yaml


  1. For the above APIs one must use state domain URL and in the contract tenantId of concern city have to be passed to scrutinize multiple cities.

  2. One should not use city domain URL to scrutinize or fetch plan if used that way, the response will be empty.

  3. The tenantId used should follow {state_name.city_name} naming convention, then the state_name passed in the request and city code in the state schema must be the same.
