BPA StakeHolder Registration release Doc

BPA StakeHolder Registration release Doc


The Stakeholder registration process is done to allow any user access to the Building plan approval portal. The user will first register his application for his desired role. On approval of his application, he will get role based on his application. This role will be stake level role. The user can also register on behalf of the organisation.



  • User can register for one role with a mobile number only once

  • After submission of application user login is required to pay and view the status of his application

  • The citizen will get a state-level role on approval of his application

  • Employees performing actions on user application must have suitable state-level roles


License types: Engineer, Town Planner, Builder, Architect, Structural Engineer

Actors: Citizen, Document Verifier, Approver

States of any application: Initiated, Pending for payment, Pending for document      verification, Pending for approval, Approved, Rejected


API Contract


Promotion Steps:

Backend :

Promote latest MDMS

  • MDMS

    • TradeLicense :- added type field in existing records and added new trade types

egov-mdms-data/data/pb/TradeLicense/TradeType.json at master · egovernments/egov-mdms-data

  • StakeholderRegistraition:- Contains additional information for each of tradetypes being used in BPA registration 



  • Endpoints: 

Please whitelist endpoint from zuul wherever required

  • /tl-services/v1/BPAREG/_create :- mixed (both whitelisted and auth based)

  • /tl-services/v1/BPAREG/_update :- mixed (both whitelisted and auth based)


  • /tl-services/v1/BPAREG/_search :- Citizen, Approver, Document Verifier

  • /tl-calculator/v1/BPAREG/_getbill :- mixed (both whitelisted and auth based)



  • Create users with state level roles(tenantId=’pb’) , BPAREG_DOC_VERIFIER, EMPLOYEE, BPAREG_APPROVER

  • Create anonymous user(related to whitelisting) . Please refer at the end of tis doc


  • Workflow config 


Localisation File:;

SQL Query : 

Please run below sql script to add state level bank account:

insert into egf_bank ( id,code,name,active,tenantid) values ( '23','AXIS','AXIS BANK',t,'pb')

insert into egf_bankbranch(id,bankid,code,name,address,city,state,contactperson,active,createddate ,lastmodifieddate,tenantid)  values ('8','23','123','Axis_Bank_Ltd_Punjab','Amritsar','Amrisar','Punjab','ABCD','t','2019-08-16 21:04:32.064' ,'2019-08-16 21:04:32.064','pb')

insert into egf_bankaccount(id,bankbranchid ,chartofaccountid,fundid , accountnumber,accounttype , active ,type, createddate, lastmodifieddate ,tenantid)  values ('8','123','1234','12', '91101055559123', 'SAVINGS' ,'t' ,'RECEIPTS_PAYMENTS', '2018-08-16 21:24:48.837','2018-08-16 21:24:48.837','pb')

Add ANONYMOUS  role and create system user as given below


 "requestInfo": {

   "apiId": "Rainmaker",

   "ver": ".01",

   "ts": null,

   "action": "_update",

   "did": "1",

   "key": "",

   "msgId": "20170310130900|en_IN",

   "authToken": "5a445d2c-c742-4e07-aaac-2a11e06830fc",

   "userInfo": {

     "id": 301,

     "userName": "EMP10",

     "name": "Employee 10",

     "type": "EMPLOYEE",

     "mobileNumber": "9999405321",

     "emailId": "",

     "roles": [


         "id": 58,

         "name": "Employee",

         "code": "EMPLOYEE"



     "tenantId": "pb.amritsar",

     "uuid": "dbbb4668-3bba-4f37-8fff-d072b84eb01b"



 "user": {

   "userName": "SYSTEM1",

   "name": "System User",

   "gender": null,

   "mobileNumber": "9191919191",

   "type": "SYSTEM",

   "roles": [


       "id": null,

       "name": "Anonymous User",

       "code": "ANONYMOUS",

       "description": null,

       "createdBy": null,

       "createdDate": null,

       "lastModifiedBy": null,

       "lastModifiedDate": null,

       "tenantId": null



       "id": null,

       "name": "Employee",

       "code": "EMPLOYEE",

       "description": null,

       "createdBy": null,

       "createdDate": null,

       "lastModifiedBy": null,

       "lastModifiedDate": null,

       "tenantId": ‘pb“



   "tenantId": "pb"



2:18 PM


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