Birth and Death Service - Technical Document
This is the egov application, which helps and provides a digital interface, allowing employees/citizens for downloading the Birth & death Certificates. Employee can register both birth and death applications, update and search where in citizen has an access to download the certificates. There are two processes while downloading the certificates as citizen can download the certificate free for the first time and it will be charged for next downloads so citizen has to pay the amount and download the certificates.
The setup of the Application is as follows
Knowledge of Java/J2EE(preferably Java 8 version)
Knowledge of Spring Boot and spring-boot microservices.
Knowledge of Git or any version control system.
Knowledge of RESTful Web services.
Knowledge of the Lombok library will helpful.
knowledge of eGov-mdms service, eGov-persister, eGov-idgen, eGov-sms, eGov-email,eGov-user, eGov-localization, eGov-workflow-service will be helpful.
The BnD Module facilitates the citizen to search and download the certificate.
The BnD Module enables the counter employee to enter the details of Birth and Death using
the Registration form.The BnD Module provides facility to the counter employee to search the details of
registration and view the details of the registration.The BnD Module provides facility to any one who has downloaded the certificate, to check
the correctness of the certificate by scanning the QR Code.
Setup and usage:
The Application is present among the municipal services group of applications available in the eGov-services git repository with the folder name birth-death-services . The spring boot application needs the Lombok* extension added in your IDE to load it. Once the application is up and running API requests can be posted to the URL and ids can be generated.
in case of IntelliJ, the plugin can be installed directly, for eclipse the Lombok jar location has to be added in eclipse.ini file in this format javaagent:lombok.jar
API Information :
Please refer to Swagger API for YAML file details. Link - API Specs. File Information:
kafka topics persister configs for eGov persister
URLs for the external API references:
eGvo mdms :-> =
eGov -idGen :-> =
localization service :-> =
idGen Id formats :->
Mdms configuration:
"businessService": "Birth Certificate Fees",
"code": "BIRTH_CERT",
"collectionModesNotAllowed": ["DD", "POSTAL_ORDER"],
"partPaymentAllowed": false,
"isAdvanceAllowed": false,
"isVoucherCreationEnabled": true,
"isActive": true,
"isCitizen": true,
"type": "Adhoc"
"businessService": "Death Certificate Fees",
"code": "DEATH_CERT",
"collectionModesNotAllowed": ["DD", "POSTAL_ORDER"],
"partPaymentAllowed": false,
"isAdvanceAllowed": false,
"isVoucherCreationEnabled": true,
"isActive": true,
"isCitizen": true,
"type": "Adhoc"
"category": "CHARGES",
"service": "BIRTH_CERT",
"name": "BIRTH_CERT_FEE",
"code": "BIRTH_CERT_FEE",
"isDebit": false,
"isActualDemand": false,
"order": "0",
"isRequired": false,
"isDiscountApplicable": false
"category": "CHARGES",
"service": "DEATH_CERT",
"name": "DEATH_CERT_FEE",
"code": "DEATH_CERT_FEE",
"isDebit": false,
"isActualDemand": false,
"order": "0",
"isRequired": false,
"isDiscountApplicable": false
"fromDate": 1554076800000,
"toDate": 1901145600000,
"periodCycle": "ANNUAL",
"service": "BIRTH_CERT",
"code": "BIRTHCERT",
"financialYear": "2019-30"
"fromDate": 1554076800000,
"toDate": 1901145600000,
"periodCycle": "ANNUAL",
"service": "DEATH_CERT",
"code": "DEATHCERT",
"financialYear": "2019-30"
egov-mdms-data/data/pb/common-masters/IdFormat.json at QA · egovernments/egov-mdms-data
Access MDMS Config
Action Test : URL Actions adding
Access to the Roles for the above Actions
Birth and Death Roles
egov-mdms-data/data/pb/ACCESSCONTROL-ROLES/roles.json at master · egovernments/egov-mdms-data
Persister configuration:
Indexer Configuration:
Database Schema
Postman Links
Birth & Death Registration
The counter employee should be assigned the role ‘Birth/Death Counter Employee’ to get
access to the new registration forms, and search screens of Birth and Death. The
Administrators of respective Boards will have to give the necessary roles.On giving the role, the Counter employee can see option of Birth Certificate and Death
certificate in the navigation bar.By selecting Birth / Death Certificate, navigate to find New Registration or Search Certificate
On click of new registration a new Registration form will appear to the employee, which can
be filled and submitted.If it’s a legacy record tick the legacy record check box. For all the legacy records, the citizen
has to pay the amount and download. Hence, when citizen tries to download such records,
he will be redirected to payment screen.If it’s a new registration, do not tick the check box. For all new registration, first time
download for the citizen is free. Hence will be directly able to download such records.Fill all other mandatory fields and hit submit.
If the record passes all the validations, Success message will be shown. If the validation fails
For Ex: If Registration Number already exists in the system, then the error is show to the
The employee has to make necessary changes and resubmit the form.When we click on Reset button the data entered will removed and New page will appear.
Once the form is successfully submitted, the same data is available for searching for both
Citizen and Employee.To Search the registry click on Search Registry:
Enter Mandatory details and Click on Search Registry
The results are shown as shown below:
If the search is from employee side, VIEW option will be shown, where in further details of
the registration can be found.If the search is from the CITIZEN side, DOWNLOAD (first time) or PAY and DOWNLOAD (if
already downloaded) option is shown . The citizen can now download the certificate.
A sample of view certificate is as shown below:
16. On the CITIZEN side, all the download activities are shown under the card My Activites.
17. To verify the authenticity of the Certificate QR Code can be scanned, upon which a url will
be obtained.
Sample URL :
Browse the url to check the authenticity of the Certificate.
Sample Downloaded Certificate is as shown below :