BPA Application Creation

In this document we ill discuss about the Technical Details of the Components in UI and Backend and their implementation details.


egov-bpa-dev/src/ui-config/screens/specs/bpastakeholder-citizen/home.js file is the source for the view



stakeholder need to select the city to entering the apply screen for creating the BPA Application.

After selecting the city, stakeholder click on the select button for entering the BPA screen and it will route to https://egov-micro-qa.egovernments.org/citizen/egov-bpa/apply page.

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This page related code present in the below file path


In this file we are preparing the steppers and collecting the required mdms data.

We have 5 steppers

i. Basic Details

ii. Scrutiny Details

iii. Owner Info

iv. Document and NOC details

v. Application Summary

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Before that stakeholder needs edcr number for the scrutiny details to populate the details in the BPA screens.

Creating BPA Application


After routing to https://egov-micro-qa.egovernments.org/citizen/egov-bpa/apply page, stakeholder enters into basic details stepper.

Basic Details:

This page related code present in the below path


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Here stakeholder should enter edcr number and search with that number using search icon present the Building plan scrutiny number field.

This edcr search method name is getScrutinyDetails which is present in the utils/index.js file.

In this Method, after success of edcr search, BPA Search will call internally for checking duplicate edcr numbers. If that entered edcr number exists in any one of BPA applications then one warning popup with Application Number already exists message will come and Checking edcr tenantId with city selection tenantId, if both tenantIds same then only data will auto populate otherwise one warning message will come.

Stakeholder needs to click on NEXT STEP for entering into Scrutiny Details stepper.

Scrutiny Details:

This page related code present in the below path


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In this screen, we are just populating the edcr details

stakeholder needs to click on NEXT STEP for entering into Owner Info stepper.

Owner Info:

This page related code present in the below path.


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In this screen, Stakeholder should populate/create owner details.

For populating the owner details : Stakeholder should search with the mobile number and that search method name is getBpaDetailsForOwner which is present in the utils/index.js

After clicking on the next button, bpa application will create.

NEXT BUTTON related code present in the web/rainmaker/dev-packages/egov-bpa-dev/src/ui-config/screens/specs/egov-bpa/applyResource/footer.js path with callBackForNext method name.

BPA Create application code present in the commons.js file with method name createUpdateBpaApplication.

In this Method, passing the required data (Request) to the BPA Create API

After success of this service, we are dispatching the data into BPA object again and entering into Document and Noc Details stepper.







Document and NOC details:

This page related code present in the below path


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In this screen, stakeholder must and should upload mandatory documents and other documents are optional.

Preparing of documents:

we are calling the mdms service for documents. From that documents we are preparing the cards format.

MDMS Releated coe present in web/rainmaker/dev-packages/egov-bpa-dev/src/ui-config/screens/specs/egov-bpa/apply.js path with getMdmsData method name.

Cards Preparing format code present in web/rainmaker/dev-packages/egov-bpa-dev/src/ui-utils/commons.js path with prepareDocumentsUploadData method name.

After Uploading the documents stakeholder needs to click on the NEXT STEP for entering into summary stepper.

Application Summary:

This page related code present in the below path


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In this screen, stakeholder review the details of all sections details, this is not editable page.

Here Architcet can send the application to citizen with SEND_TO_CITIZEN action.

This releated code present in web/rainmaker/dev-packages/egov-bpa-dev/src/ui-utils/commons.js

path with updateBpaApplication method name.

After success of this, it will route to acknowledgement screen with success message.

Ancknowledgement code present in web/rainmaker/dev-packages/egov-bpa-dev/src/ui-config/screens/specs/egov-bpa/acknowledgement.js path.

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Creating BPA Application




bpa-services/_update (SEND_TO_CITIZEN)

bpa-services/_update (CITIZEN_APPROVE)

bpa-services/_update (APP_FEE_PAYMENT)

bpa-services/_update (DOC_VERIFICATION)

bpa-services/_update (FIELD_INSPECTION)

bpa-services/_update (NOC_VERIFICATION)

bpa-services/_update (APPROVE)

bpa-services/_update (SANC_PAYMENT)

