W&S Promotion Document v2.1


The Water & Sewerage module deals with the process of applying and managing water & sewerage connections. This module has both Citizen and employee facing components. As part of Phase 2, the citizen has the ability to Initiate connections, Submit application, resubmit application and many more actions (Based on workflow), make payment for application, print receipts, download bills etc. The Employee and Other roles like ws doc verifier,  field inspector can take action based on workflow action.


  • This service integrates with Property Registry 

  • In case Property ID is not provided as part of the create water/sewerage connection application will not be generated.

  • Counter Employees , Document Verifier, Field Inspector, Approver and Clerk performing actions on user application must have suitable state-level roles

Actors: Citizen, Counter Employee, Document Verifier, Field Inspector, Approver, Clerk

Technical Documents:

Please find the updated technical document for the Water & Sewerage module at the below link:

Water Service Technical Document - Water Service - Technical Document

Sewerage Service Technical Document - Sewerage Service - Technical Document

Promotion Steps:



Add the following objects to the masterconfig.json (Add in ws-services-masters,ws-services-calculation and sw-services-calculation)


"ws-services-masters": { "connectionCategory": { "masterName": "connectionCategory", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [ "$.code" ] }, "connectionType": { "masterName": "connectionType", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [ "$.code" ] }, "waterSource": { "masterName": "waterSource", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [ "$.code" ] }, "billingPeriod": { "masterName": "billingPeriod", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [ "$.billingCycle" ] } }




"ws-services-calculation": { "WaterCess": { "masterName": "WaterCess", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [] }, "Interest": { "masterName": "Interest", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [ "$.fromFY" ] }, "Rebate": { "masterName": "Rebate", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [ "$.fromFY" ] }, "Penalty": { "masterName": "Penalty", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [ "$.fromFY" ] }, "WCBillingSlab": { "masterName": "WCBillingSlab", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [] }, "WS_CHARGE": { "masterName": "WS_CHARGE", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [] }, "WS_TIME_PENALTY": { "masterName": "WS_TIME_PENALTY", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [] }, "WS_WATER_CESS": { "masterName": "WS_WATER_CESS", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [] }, "MeterStatus": { "masterName": "MeterStatus", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [] }, "WS_Round_Off": { "masterName": "WS_Round_Off", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [] }, "PlotSizeSlab": { "masterName": "PlotSizeSlab", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [] }, "PropertyUsageType": { "masterName": "PropertyUsageType", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [] }, "FeeSlab": { "masterName": "FeeSlab", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [] }, "RoadType": { "masterName": "RoadType", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [] }, "CalculationAttribute": { "masterName": "CalculationAttribute", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [] } }




"sw-services-calculation": { "Interest": { "masterName": "Interest", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [ "$.fromFY" ] }, "Rebate": { "masterName": "Rebate", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [ "$.fromFY" ] }, "Penalty": { "masterName": "Penalty", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [ "$.fromFY" ] }, "SCBillingSlab": { "masterName": "SCBillingSlab", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [] }, "billingPeriod": { "masterName": "billingPeriod", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [ "$.billingCycle" ] }, "SW_CHARGE": { "masterName": "SW_CHARGE", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [] }, "SW_TIME_PENALTY": { "masterName": "SW_TIME_PENALTY", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [] }, "SW_Round_Off": { "masterName": "SW_Round_Off", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [] }, "PlotSizeSlab": { "masterName": "PlotSizeSlab", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [] }, "PropertyUsageType": { "masterName": "PropertyUsageType", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [] }, "FeeSlab": { "masterName": "FeeSlab", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [] }, "RoadType": { "masterName": "RoadType", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [] }, "CalculationAttribute": { "masterName": "CalculationAttribute", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [] } }

Role Configuration:

Web Page & API Access:

In the above file, define the access for the following APIs, Card Type URLs and Menu Type URLs.

  • Define the list of Water & Sewerage service employee roles @ roles.json

Migrate the following IDGEN formats to


Please whitelist endpoint from zuul wherever required

Auth Based Access: Employee

  • /ws-services/wc/_create

  • /ws-services/wc/_update 

  • /sw-services/wc/_update 

  • /sw-services/wc/_create 

  • /ws-calculator/waterCalculator/_estimate

  • /sw-calculator/sewerageCalculator/_estimate

  • /ws-services/wc/_search 

  • /sw-services/wc/_search



Auth Based: Citizen, Employee

  • /ws-services/wc/_search :- mixed (both whitelisted and auth based)

  • /sw-services/wc/_search :- mixed (both whitelisted and auth based)


Open EndPoints

In, helm/environments/qa.yaml - Please whitelist endpoint from zuul for ‘egov-open-endpoints-whitelist’ param and add value /pdf-service/v1/_create 


  • Employee with ULB level access 

  • Citizen associated with an ULB

Workflow config 

We need to create the WF config in BusinessService. To do that call the “_create” API in BusinessService and add the below JSON content in the request body.

Businees Service Request URI - https://egov-micro-dev.egovernments.org/egov-workflow-v2/egov-wf/businessservice/_create

Water Service WF Config:


Sewerage Service WF Config:


PDF Templates

Migrate the following files for PDF Generations



Note - The data-config file might access MDMS directly to fetch the details. Open each file and check is there any MDMS query (search for egov-mdms-service). If there are any MDMS query configured - update the state level tenantId value properly.

Persister Config

Indexer Config

Egov-Searcher Config

  • Add “waterbills” and “seweragebills” section to the bill-genie as mentioned in the below file. 


  • Add “ws-services” and “sw-services” section to locality search as mentioned in the below file.


Infra Ops Config

MIgrate the master branch dev.yaml files configuration for to qa.yaml for the following service

  • PDF Service

  • Indexer Service
