Master Data Service Promotion doc v2.0
Adapter Master Data service v1.0 And iFix Master Data Service v2.0
It migrates Department, Project and Expenditure from iFix Master Data Service to Adapter Master Data Service.
Please find below the steps to master data service.
Yaml configurations
Please update "mongo-db-username", "mongo-db-password" and "mongo-db-authenticated-uri" in secrets db config in respective environment secret yaml file ( ).
Please update "mongo-db-name", "mongo-db-host" and "mongo-db-url" in egov-config of configmaps in respective environment yaml file ( ).
Please update "adapter-master-data-service" and "ifix-department-entity-service" in egov-service-host in respective environment yaml file ( ).
Create a new DB in the MongoDB instance for these new services.
You would need to create the same master data again in the new (mgramseva)database using the adapter-master-data-service's /_create apis.
Please follow the migration steps to migrate the data from ifix core to mGramSeva ifix adapter(MongoDB Migration Doc v2.0 ).
After restoring DB collections, we can drop unused collections from ifix MongoDB.
Please follow the steps below.
Connect to ifix namespace playground pod
kubectl exec -it <playground-pod> -n ifix -- /bin/bash
Connect to the particular mongo db
mongo --host <hostname>:27017 -u <username> -p <password>
Use db.
use <db_name>
Check the above-mentioned collection name using the below commands
If collections are there then drop them off using the below commands
Steps to use Adapter Master Data service..
Please port-forward the Adapter master data service in localhost from a specific environment (like QA/UAT/Prod).
Below is the command to port-forward :
kubectl port-forward <pod-name> 8030:8080 -n mgramseva
Steps to use iFix Master Data Service
We need to get access token from keycloak server and pass as bearer token while requesting the ifix-master-data-service create APIs.
Technical Doc
Adapter Master Data Service v1.0
IFIX Core Master Data Service v2.0