mGramSeva iFix Adapter v2.0

mGramSeva iFix Adapter v2.0

It receives multiple event requests from magramseva service and does the attributes conversion to map fix-fiscal-event-service request data.

Please find below steps to setup.

  1. Environment variable

    Please configure "fiscal-event-service", "adapter-master-data-service" and "ifix-department-entity-service" in egov-service-host in respective environment yaml file (https://github.com/misdwss/iFix-DevOps/blob/mgramseva/deploy-as-code/helm/environments/mgramseva-qa.yaml ).

  2. Redis data clean up

    Below command should be executed on redis-cli before doing any activity on the mgramseva iFix adapter while doing first time deployment.

    1. Connecting Redis Client: 

      kubectl exec -it <redis-pod> -n mgramseva -- /bin/bash



      kubectl exec -it redis-647449f6b9-gg4gw -n mgramseva -- /bin/bash


      keys *  (check all keys)

    2. Redis cleanup command

      del <key>


      del "10101" "10102" "10201" "20101" "20201" "20301" "20401"

      keys * (check all keys)


      Please make sure all client codes, which have been mentioned in the "ifix_adapter_coa_map" table, should be listed in the redis "DEL" command list and recheck those are removed by "keys *" command.


  3. Steps to use mgramseva iFix adapter service.

    Please use the postman tool to verify mgramseva iFix adapter API end. It is open end, doesn't required any access token.


Technical Doc

MGramSeva IFIX Adapter Services v2.0





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