Fiscal Event And Fiscal event post processor Service Promotion Doc v2.0
Fiscal Event And Fiscal event post processor Service Promotion Doc v2.0
It receives a collection of fiscal event lists, after processing those events it pushes to mongo DB and Druid DB. Before deploying the fiscal event post processor build to the respective environment, make sure you have ingested the updated druid config file to the druid db as per given instructions here.
Fiscal Events Data Clean up
Before upgrading the iFIX fiscal event service v2.0, Please clean up the existing fiscal event data (Its one time activity) using below doc.
Steps to use iFIX Fiscal Event Service
We need to get access token from keycloak server and pass as bearer token while requesting to iFIX fiscal event service.
Technical Doc
IFIX Core Fiscal Event Service v2.0
iFix Core Fiscal Event Post Processor v2.0