SMS redirection URLs

SMS redirection URLs

Below is the structure of the URL supported at client side

Type of URLs supported

{Host_Name}/otpLogin?mobileNo={mobile number}&redirectTo={redirection URL}

  • Generic URL as redirection url is the only piece of information, plainly added just to redirect to whatever provided
  • If not logged in will move to OTP page directly skipping the login age, after entering the otp received on the registered phone no.

{Host_Name}/otpLogin?mobileNo={mobile number}&redirectTo={redirection URL}&params={query parameters - comma seprated}

  • Specific URL, recommended to use only if no of query parameters are high and the URL gets long if written as the first case.
  • In this case, we need to add final redirection url in the redirection link config file (\egov-web-app\web\rainmaker\dev-packages\egov-ui-kit-dev\src\config\smsRedirectionLinks.js). Example can be found there to construct the URL and return it.
  • If not logged in will move to OTP page directly skipping the login age, after entering the otp received on the registered phone no.

Note: Redirection is only handled right now for citizen (app.js)

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