MDMS & Configuration Updates 1.2
MDMS Changes
Feature | Service Name | Changes | Description |
Penalty configuration change | ws-services-calculation | Penalty Changes | |
New penalty taxhead | BillingService | Added new penalty taxhead | |
Access Control |
| Updated actions-test.json | |
| Updated roleactions.json | |
| Formatted json | |
| Updated actions-test.json | |
Penalty and Advance Enabled | BillingService | Enabled Penalty and Advance | |
Role added |
| Added role | |
Enabled Time penalty | BillingService | Enabled Time penalty | |
Added Business service json in Billing service | BillingService | Added Business service json in Billing service for enable and disable Advance and penalty in Tenant level | |
Added TaxHeadMaster json in Billing service | BillingService | Added TaxHeadMaster json in Billing service for enable and disable Advance and penalty in Tenant level | |
Added TaxPeriod json in Billing service | BillingService | Added TaxPeriod json in Billing service for enable and disable Advance and penalty in Tenant level | |
Penalty Type changing | ws-services-calculation | Updated the Penalty type in this path, Can able to modify based on the requirement in Tenant (Verify document for penalty type) | |
Demand Penalty Details and action roles |
| Added Demand Penalty Details and action roles | |
By Enabling and disabling this we can able change the payment type from state level to tenant level |
| By Enabling and disable this we can able change the payment type from state level to tenant level |
Config Changes
Feature | Service Name | Changes | Description |
Advance and Penalty changes |
| Code changes related to advance and penalty parameters. | |
egov-persister |
| Syntax correction. | |
pdf-service |
| Updated ws-receipt.json for advance changes | |
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| #31 #32 #33 #34 #35 #36 #37#38 #39 #40 #41 #42#43 #44 #45 #46 #48 #49 #50 | Updated ws bill json for metered and Non metered |
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| Penalty changes | |
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| ws-bill-nm.json ws-bill-nm.json |
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dashboard-analytics |