Integrating PGR In mGramSeva

Integrating PGR In mGramSeva

MDMS Configuration

  1. Add master data in MDMS service with module name as RAINMAKER-PGR. Following is some sample master data for the service:

{ "tenantId": "pb", "moduleName": "RAINMAKER-PGR", "ServiceDefs": [ { "serviceCode": "FaultInMachinery", "name": "Fault in Machinery", "keywords": "water, supply, connection, drink, dirty,bad, quality, contaminated, impure, health, clean", "department": "WaterSupply", "slaHours": 336, "menuPath": "WaterSupplyScheme", "active": true }, { "serviceCode": "AbsenceOfOperator", "name": "Absence of Operator", "keywords": "water,absence,operator", "department": "WaterSupply", "slaHours": 336, "menuPath": "WaterSupplyScheme", "active": true }, { "serviceCode": "LargeScaleLeakageInThePipes", "name": "Large Scale Leakage in the Pipes", "keywords": "water,leakage,pipes", "department": "WaterSupply", "slaHours": 336, "menuPath": "WaterSupplyScheme", "active": true }, { "serviceCode": "BadQualityOfWater", "name": "bad Quality of Water", "keywords": "water, supply, connection, drink, dirty,bad, quality, contaminated, impure, health, clean", "department": "WaterSupply", "slaHours": 336, "menuPath": "WaterSupplyScheme", "active": true }, { "serviceCode": "WaterSupplyFailureInSomeSpecificArea", "name": "Water Supply failure in some specific area", "keywords": "water, supply, connection, areas, failure", "department": "WaterSupply", "slaHours": 336, "menuPath": "WaterSupplyScheme", "active": true }, { "serviceCode": "HouseholdWaterConnectionNotGivenbyGPWSC/DWSS", "name": "Household water connection not given by GPWSC/DWSS", "keywords": "water, supply, connection, household,notprovided", "department": "WaterSupply", "slaHours": 336, "menuPath": "WaterSupplyScheme", "active": true }, { "serviceCode": "WaterMeterNotInstalled/NotWorkingProperly", "name": "Water meter not installed/not working properly", "keywords": "water, meter,install,work", "department": "WaterSupply", "slaHours": 336, "menuPath": "WaterSupplyScheme", "active": true }, { "serviceCode": "WaterTariifBeingCollectedHigerThenTheFixedCharges", "name": "Water tariif being collected higer then the fixed charges", "keywords": "water, collected,charges", "department": "WaterSupply", "slaHours": 336, "menuPath": "WaterSupplyScheme", "active": true }, { "serviceCode": "AnyOtherWaterRelatedComplaints", "name": "Any other water related complaints", "keywords": "other,water,complaints", "department": "WaterSupply", "slaHours": 336, "menuPath": "WaterSupplyScheme", "active": true }, { "serviceCode": "ROPlantIsNotWorkingORClosed", "name": "RO Plant is not working/Closed", "keywords": "roplant,working,condition,closed", "department": "ROPlant", "slaHours": 336, "menuPath": "ROPlantScheme", "active": true }, { "serviceCode": "RoWaterNotProvidedDueToAbsenceofOperator", "name": "Ro Water not provided due to absence of operator.", "keywords": "roplant,provided,absence,operator", "department": "ROPlant", "slaHours": 336, "menuPath": "ROPlantScheme", "active": true }, { "serviceCode": "BadQualityofWater", "name": "bad Quality of Water", "keywords": "water, supply, connection, drink, dirty,bad, quality, contaminated, impure, health, clean", "department": "ROPlant", "slaHours": 336, "menuPath": "ROPlantScheme", "active": true }, { "serviceCode": "AnyOtherROPlantRelatedComplaints", "name": "Any other RO Plant related complaints", "keywords": "other,roplant,complaints", "department": "ROPlant", "slaHours": 336, "menuPath": "ROPlantScheme", "active": true }, { "serviceCode": "ROPlantORWaterTreatmentPlant", "name": "RO Plant/ Water Treatment Plant", "keywords": "RO, Plant,water ,treatment,plant", "department": "ROPlant", "slaHours": 336, "menuPath": "ROPlantScheme", "active": true }, { "serviceCode": "SewerageLineisBlocked", "name": "Sewerage line is blocked", "keywords": "sewage ,line, blocked", "department": "Sewerage", "slaHours": 336, "menuPath": "SewerageScheme", "active": true }, { "serviceCode": "STPisNotFunctional", "name": "STP is not functional", "keywords": "nonfunctional ,functional ,stp", "department": "Sewerage", "slaHours": 336, "menuPath": "SewerageScheme", "active": true }, { "serviceCode": "SewrageInterceptingTankIsNotClearedbyContractor", "name": "Sewrage intercepting Tank is not cleared by Contractor", "keywords": "sewage ,unclean ,tank ,contractor", "department": "Sewerage", "slaHours": 336, "menuPath": "SewerageScheme", "active": true }, { "serviceCode": "AnyOtherSewrageRelatedComplaints", "name": "Any other Sewrage related complaints", "keywords": "sewage ,complaints ,other", "department": "Sewerage", "slaHours": 336, "menuPath": "SewerageScheme", "active": true }, { "serviceCode": "AnyOtherComplaints", "name": "Any Other Complaints", "keywords": "other, miscellaneous,complaints", "department": "Other", "slaHours": 336, "menuPath": "Others", "active": true }, { "serviceCode": "HandedoverToPanchayat", "name": "Handed over to Panchayat", "keywords": "other, miscellaneous,complaints,handled,panchayat", "department": "Other", "slaHours": 336, "menuPath": "Others", "active": true }, { "serviceCode": "WorkInProgress", "name": "Work in Progress", "keywords": "other, miscellaneous ,complaints ,work ,progress", "department": "Other", "slaHours": 336, "menuPath": "Others", "active": true }, { "serviceCode": "ProblemRelatedtoStandaloneWaterPurificationSystem", "name": "Problem related to stand alone water purification system", "keywords": "other, miscellaneous ,standalone ,watersupply ,problem", "department": "Other", "slaHours": 336, "menuPath": "Others", "active": true } ] }


{ "tenantId": "pb", "moduleName": "RAINMAKER-PGR", "ComplainClosingTime": [ { "ComplainMaxIdleTime": 3600000 } ] }


{ "tenantId": "pb", "moduleName": "RAINMAKER-PGR", "UIConstants": [ { "REOPENSLA": 432000000 } ] }
  1. Add Role-Action mapping for the API’s in MDMS. Following are the required entries. They should be mapped to appropriate employee roles.
    Actions :

Action-Roles :

Roles :

  1. Add IdFormat in common-masters folder.

  1. Add PGR and DSS in citymodule.json file and add ulbs for which PGR application needs to be created.

  1. Enable "pgrEnabled": true in tenants.json, for the ulbs for whom we need to enable PGR to show in login dropdown.

  2. In master-config.json , add PGR mdms Config at state level.

Workflow Configuration

In mGramSeva, two step Workflow is configured for PGR where CSR will raise a complaint to LME and LME will resolve or reject the complaint.

Localisations And SMS Templates

Using /localization/messages/v1/_upsert , add localisation (templates) for notification messages to be sent. Following are the product notification templates:

Localisation sheet : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1K38ZLPTY1GYWKRLciHkufgVokfVneEkIWQwp8VLxL7Y/edit?usp=sharing

Deployment Details

  • Deploy the latest version of pgr-services

Config/Service Name


Config/Service Name






User Creation

  • In mGramSeva, Search the user from user search api :

  • Update the existing user by providing roles of PGR related to specific ulb. Example :

API List

PR for Changes in Repository

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