FSM V1.4 Loading Vendor,Vehicle and Driver Data

FSM V1.4 Loading Vendor,Vehicle and Driver Data

Ways to load Vendor details :

  • From Api

  • By FSM Registry

Loading from API :


  1. Import this collection - https://www.getpostman.com/collections/59691b6d0a7346a7f29b

  2. Change the request url specific to environment.

For Create DSO(URL) : https://sujog-dev.odisha.gov.in/vendor/v1/_create

 For Search DSO(URL) : https://sujog-dev.odisha.gov.in/vendor/v1/_search?tenantId=od.anandapur

For Update DSO(URL) : https://sujog-dev.odisha.gov.in/vendor/v1/_update?tenantId=od.anandapur

  1. Login from FSM_ADMINDEV credentials(for sujog-dev) which is having FSM Admin role for all the ulb’s.

  2. Copy the auth token. Paste the auth token in the req. Body “authToken” field.

  3.  Request Info (eg. anandapur ulb) for Create DSO :-

    { "RequestInfo": { "apiId": "Rainmaker", "authToken": "453cf29c-58de-4e47-9821-91f39e2dde3e", "userInfo": { "id": 3186071, "uuid": "2f3851cd-864e-42d7-869c-d5a05abb8f39", "userName": "FSM_ADMINDEV", "name": "Taresh", "mobileNumber": "7721827042", "emailId": null, "locale": null, "type": "EMPLOYEE", "roles": [ { "name": "FSM Administrator", "code": "FSM_ADMIN", "tenantId": "od.anandapur" } ], "active": true, "tenantId": "od.anandapur", "permanentCity": null }, "msgId": "1660805524793|en_IN" }, "vendor": { "tenantId": "od.anandapur", "name": "NIPS", "agencyType": "ULB", "paymentPreference": "post-service", "address": { "tenantId": "od.anandapur", "doorNo": "my door", "plotNo": "my plot", "landmark": "my landmark", "city": "anandapur", "district": "anandapur", "region": "anandapur", "state": "odisha", "country": "in", "pincode": "143001", "additionDetails": null, "buildingName": "my building", "street": "my streat", "locality": { "id": 2, "name": "Padampur", "localname": "Padampur", "longitude": null, "latitude": null, "label": "Locality", "code": "VIL1", "children": [] }, "geoLocation": { "latitude": 0, "longitude": 0, "additionalDetails": {} } }, "owner": { "tenantId": "od.anandapur", "name": "NIPS", "fatherOrHusbandName": "NA", "relationship": "FATHER", "gender": "MALE", "dob": 550261800000, "emailId": "test@dso.test", "correspondenceAddress": "KPHB", "mobileNumber": 8908257220 }, "vehicles": [ { "tenantId": "od.anandapur", "registrationNumber": "OD09J7873", "model": "MAHINDRA", "type": "MAHINDRA.TRUCK1", "tankCapacity": "1000", "suctionType": "SEWER_SUCTION_MACHINE", "pollutionCertiValidTill": 1611584416772, "InsuranceCertValidTill": 1611584416772, "fitnessValidTill": 1611584416772, "roadTaxPaidTill": 1611584416772, "gpsEnabled": true, "source": "Municipal records", "status": "ACTIVE", "vendorVehicleStatus": "ACTIVE", "owner": { "tenantId": "od.anandapur", "name": "NIPS", "fatherOrHusbandName": "NA", "relationship": "FATHER", "gender": "MALE", "dob": 550261800000, "emailId": "test@dso.test", "correspondenceAddress": "KPHB", "mobileNumber": 8908257220 } } ], "drivers": [ { "tenantId": "od.anandapur", "name": "DIPU MUKHI", "licenseNumber": "OR0920040025878", "status": "ACTIVE", "owner": { "tenantId": "od", "name": "DIPU MUKHI", "fatherOrHusbandName": "NA", "relationship": "OTHER", "gender": "MALE", "dob": -19800000, "emailId": "abc@egov.com", "mobileNumber": "6371957727" }, "vendorDriverStatus": "ACTIVE" } ], "source": "WhatsApp" } }


  1. Before pushing the vendor,first add Vehicle in MDMS. Take Vehicle Make, Model and Capacity from VehicleMakeModel in MDMS.

  2. No special characters allowed in Vendor name.

  3. Vehicle Registration number should be unique for every vehicle.

  4. Scenerios for Vendor and Vehicle users:
    - One Vendor can be linked with two or more vehicles.
    - One Vehicle is linked with One Vendor.
    - Two Vendors can’t have same mobile number because vendor is a user and user is stored uniquely in database.
    - Vendor owner, Vehicle owner and Driver owner can be same or different for One Vehicle.

  1. Hit the url it’ll push the data of vendor.

From FSM Registry :

Add details of Cesspool Operator,Vehicle and Driver from FSM Registry and link Vehicle with Cesspool operator and Driver with Cesspool Operator.


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