| | | | |
Frontend v2.1 | Citizen | citizen-v1.2.0 | citizen:v1.2.0-a5a118ad6-280
| |
| Employee | employee-v1.2.0 | employee:v1.2.0-a5a118ad6-291
| |
| DSS Dashboard | dashboard-v1.2.0 | dss-dashboard:v1.2.0-d3b89b460-26
| |
Core Services v2.1 | Encryption | enc-service-v1.1.0 | egov-enc-service:v1.1.0-f9375a4
| No changes in the current release. |
| Searcher | searcher-v1.1.0 | egov-searcher:v1.1.0-59d3598
| No changes in the current release. |
| Payment Gateway | pg-service-v1.1.0 | egov-pg-service:v1.1.0-f9375a4
| No changes in the current release. |
| Filestore | filestore-v1.2.0 | egov-filestore:v1.2.0-3acc52b
| No changes in the current release. |
| Zuul - API Gateway | zuul-v1.1.0 | zuul:v1.1.0-582ddd0
| No changes in the current release. |
| Mail Notification | notification-mail-v1.1.0 | egov-notification-mail:v1.1.0-40b5f2d
| No changes in the current release. |
| SMS Notification | notification-sms-v1.1.0 | egov-notification-sms:v1.1.0-245443e
| No changes in the current release. |
| Localization | localization-v1.1.0 | egov-localization:v1.1.0-f9375a4
| No changes in the current release. |
| Persister | persister-v1.1.1 | egov-persister:v1.1.1-58f6da0-9
| |
| ID Gen | idgen-v1.2.0 | egov-idgen:v1.2.0-f9375a4
| No changes in the current release. |
| User | user-v1.2.1 | egov-user:v1.2.1-4976757
| No changes in the current release. |
| User Chatbot | user-chatbot-v1.2.1 | egov-user-chatbot:v1.2.1-4976757
| No changes in the current release. |
| MDMS | mdms-service-v1.3.0 | egov-mdms-service:v1.3.0-e50b9eb
| No changes in the current release. |
| URL Shortening | url-shortening-v1.0.0 | egov-url-shortening:v1.0.0-40cc090
| No changes in the current release. |
| Indexer | indexer-v1.1.1 | egov-indexer:v1.1.1-da68594-7
| |
| Report | report-v1.3.0 | report:v1.3.0-28b3c97
| No changes in the current release. |
| Workflow | workflow-v2-v1.1.0 | egov-workflow-v2:v1.1.0-42786ef
| No changes in the current release. |
| PDF Generator | pdf-service-v1.1.0 | pdf-service:v1.1.0-09b11d9
| No changes in the current release. |
| Chatbot | chatbot-v1.1.0 | chatbot:v1.1.0-3190386-10
| |
| Access Control | accesscontrol-v1.1.0 | egov-accesscontrol:v1.1.0-f9375a4
| No changes in the current release. |
| Location | location-v1.1.0 | egov-location:v1.1.0-f9375a4
| No changes in the current release. |
| OTP | otp-v1.2.0 | egov-otp:v1.2.0-f9375a4
| No changes in the current release. |
| User OTP | user-otp-v1.1.0 | user-otp:v1.1.0-2f36d3a
| No changes in the current release. |
Business Services v2.1 | Apportion | apportion-service-v1.1.2 | egov-apportion-service:v1.1.2-3436cd5-4
| |
| Collection | collection-services-v1.1.1 | collection-services:v1.1.1-4f6c6f7-15
| |
| Billing | billing-service-v1.1.1 | billing-service:v1.1.1-33b0fcf-14
| |
| HRMS | hrms-v1.1.0 | egov-hrms:v1.1.0-43cb793
| No changes in the current release. |
| Dashboard Analytics | dashboard-analytics-v1.1.1 | dashboard-analytics:v1.1.1-14637ce-14
| |
| Dashboard Ingest | dashboard-ingest-v1.1.1 | dashboard-ingest:v1.1.1-3436cd5-2
| |
| EGF Instrument | egf-instrument-v1.1.0 | egf-instrument:v1.1.0-005ff61
| |
| EGF Master | egf-master-v1.1.0 | egf-master:v1.1.0-9959f29
| No changes in the current release. |
| Finance Collection Voucher Consumer | finance-collections-voucher-consumer-v1.1.0 | finance-collections-voucher-consumer:v1.1.0-004e14a
| No changes in the current release. |
Municipal Services v2.1 | Trade License | tl-services-v1.1.1 | tl-services:v1.1.1-8b2af30a-30
| |
| Trade License Calculator | tl-calculator-v1.1.1 | tl-calculator:v1.1.1-c98f0344-4
| |
| Fire NOC | firenoc-services-v1.1.0 | firenoc-services:v1.1.0-ad7a3c61-6
| |
| Fire NOC Calculator | firenoc-calculator-v1.1.0 | firenoc-calculator:v1.1.0-ad7a3c61-4
| |
| Property Services | property-services-v1.1.0 | property-services:v1.1.0-c4f9b279-48
| |
| Property Tax Calculator | pt-calculator-v2-v1.1.1 | pt-calculator-v2:v1.1.1-bf8471c7-22
| |
| Property Tax | pt-services-v2-v1.0.0 | pt-services-v2:v1.0.0-ecf3410a
| No changes in the current release. |
| Water Charges | ws-services-v1.1.0 | ws-services:v1.1.0-28617974-28
| |
| Water Charges Calculator | ws-calculator-v1.1.0 | ws-calculator:v1.1.0-4c3c8873-6
| |
| Sewerage Charges | sw-services-v1.1.0 | sw-services:v1.1.0-ae23de49-12
| |
| Sewerage Charges Calculator | sw-calculator-v1.1.0 | sw-calculator:v1.1.0-fee435c1-2
| |
| BPA Calculator | bpa-calculator-v1.0.0 | bpa-calculator:v1.0.0-1aeb87df-1
| No changes in the current release. |
| BPA Services | bpa-services-v1.1.0 | bpa-services:v1.1.0-02d3e507-1
| |
| User Event | user-event-v1.1.1 | egov-user-event:v1.1.1-8958a02b-2
| |
| PGR | rainmaker-pgr-v1.1.1 | rainmaker-pgr:v1.1.1-f29d2a93-3
| |
| PGR Service | | pgr-services:v1.0.0-51bfb264-25
| PGR new service - API redesign. |
| Land Services | land-services-v1.0.0 | land-services:v1.0.0-ae5cee9f-1
| No changes in the current release. |
| NOC Services | noc-services:v1.0.0 | noc-services:v1.0.0-7c5a2af9-2
| |
Utilities Services v2.0 | Custom Consumer | custom-consumer-v1.1.0 | egov-custom-consumer:v1.1.0-7a6db73
| No changes in the current release. |
| PDF | pdf-v1.1.0 | egov-pdf:v1.0.0-009661c
| No changes in the current release. |
Others Service v2.0 | eDCR | egov-edcr-v1.0.0 | egov-edcr:v1.0.0-04ff1e5
| No changes in the current release. |
| Finance | | | |
Configs v2.1 | | | | |
MDMS v2.1 | | | | |
Localization v2.1 | | | | |
| | | | |