Understanding DIGIT Infra, Services Integration & deployment
Understanding DIGIT Infra, Services Integration & deployment
Deploying eGov services means that the respective services can be developed, packaged as docker containers and deployed into kubernetes Cluster by simply updating the "master deployment config File per environment" which is derived from the jina2 templates. This allows all the environments specific overrides, credentials and values.
From Code to Deploy flow
1. Structure of a Sample service to be maintained in the Git Repo:
a Micro Service or a Web/Mobile module is being developed it needs to have certain following key elements configured and checked into the Git Repo in the following structure.- Git Repo
Micro Services: https://github.com/digit-egov/core-services
Web: https://github.com/digit-egov/frontend
business-services: https://github.com/digit-egov/business-services
- business-services: https://github.com/digi
- Git Repo