Trade license - UI

Trade license - UI

Trade license details: 

  • TL was the first module to be made in the egov-ui-framework.
  • it incorporated major design change and upgrade from Product team.
  • It was made with the upgraded material design components (version 1.5.1)

Trade license form flow:

  • TL has separate apply and payment flow.
  • Apply flow consists of 4 step form - written in apply.js
  • specs for each page in TL is written under \egov-tradelicence-dev\src\ui-config\screens\specs\tradelicence\
  • tradeLicense-citizen consists only citizen specific page specs. 

pagespecs file
pay flowpay.js
search preview page from search result table clicksearch-preview.js

TL workflow integration : 

  • TL is integrated with the workflow
  • a typical TL application goes through the following journey before it comes in affect
    • Apply → Document Verification → Field Inspection → Approval → Payment
  • the workflow data comes from business service call, it returns array of states which is used to show the status of the application and the actions allowed on that application. 

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