Phase-2: Deliverables, sprint scoping discussion

Date: 23-Feb-2021


Participants : @Sathish P @Bhavana Vasudev @Hamsa Nandini @Tarun Lalwani @Narendra Kumar (Unlicensed)



  • Align the sprint items as per the Digit release - March 31.

  • Phase 2 will be split into 2 sub phases:

1. Phase 2.1 - Pt, tl, WS/SW & E2E

2. Phase 2.2 - pgr, bpa, land services, firenoc, egov user events /pdf & E2E

  • E2E will be reviewed by product team (TL, collect, PT- Ajit W & S- Aditya)

  • Bring up the VM’s only when using

Action Items:

  • Narendra to set up a meeting with Tarun on 24-Feb to showcase Kafka progress and also share the final handover document

  • Narendra to connect with Shanmugam for performance testing

  • Update Phase 2 planning document with the latest inputs shared by Sathish and Tarun