Tech Review # 2:Manual Test Cases(01-12-2020)

Tech Review # 2:Manual Test Cases(01-12-2020)


@Hamsa Nandini @Bhavana Vasudev @Sarita Mohapatra @Tarun Lalwani @Sathish P @Shareef Shaik @Shanmugam Moorthy

Discussion topics

Manual Test cases for API services presented for review:

  • User-Otp

  • Localisation

  • Idgen

  • Location

  • Filestore

Action Items:

  • First review of the test cases to be done by the QA team and final review by Tarun.

  • “Reviewed by” column to be added in the beginning of the sheet.

  • Provide a link to the testcase ID and the respective test case in the payload sheet.

  • Create a Test case Review checklist.


Egov: Test cases for Automation

Egov Automation: Test case review checklist